CHAPTER 79!!!!

Feb 08, 2007 01:13

Egads that took a while. Poor Xikum after busting her butt to get this ready for Saturday (last Saturday) had email problems and didn't realized I hadn't gotten the chapter back yet.

Anywho...It looks great. After many many alterations to hide atrocious grammar and adding tidbits here and there, Xikum had yet again outdone herself. I'm not even saying that just because she was so nice and gifted me with paid LJ and more pics too. Do you like my new Dan pic? any leftover spelling issues are my own.

Chapter 79 Skirting Issues, Having Fun and Other Applications of an Animagus Form

It was a cold day that found Harry sitting with Neville while his friend’s Gran served lunch. Nev had asked for help with a problem he was having in the greenhouse at work; he had come home to meet Harry for lunch so they could go back together.

Harry was thinking they shouldn't have fussed on his account when he saw a fine meal being served. "This is great," he said, tasting the sauce that had been prepared to perfection. "I tried to make this once, but it wasn't nearly as good." He noted Mrs. Longbottom’s eyes widen.

"So, it's true, you do know how to cook," she said, looking him over, but what she was thinking, Harry didn't know. Neville's cheeks flushed. He must have at some point told his Gran that Harry had been made to cook for his family.

"I live in a flat with my owl, Hedwig, and she's not much of a cook; somebody's got to do it," laughed Harry. "I’m not the only one," Harry gestured to his friend. "Neville and me cooked up a huge batch of starters for the New Year’s Eve party some weeks back."

"Neville and I," she corrected and Harry was tempted to ask 'Neville and you what?', but thought better of it. "I suppose that Seamus fellow was with you," she sneered as if she smelled something foul. Harry hoped it wasn't some pureblood nonsense.

"Gran, leave it," Neville plead. "Seamus was more polite to you than Cousin Rupert ever was," poor Neville was exasperated by what was obviously a conversation they'd had before.

"Well, your cousin never brought you home in the wee hours, and tipsy to boot," she declared with a curt nod. "At least when you go out with Harry you have the decency to return with a sound mind. It is wise to be alert and attentive in these unsettling times," she spoke firmly, giving Harry a nod of approval. He wasn't about to burst her bubble and tell the elderly witch that they'd all been three sheets to the wind, but that Seamus didn't have great parting gifts such as hangover cures.

Neville blushed again as he recalled being out cold when his Gran's owl arrived one night they'd been drinking. They'd woke him up, but he was still in a drunken stupor, so Harry’d spelled him sober and fed him a hangover potion with a Pepper-up chaser, before sending him home as chipper as a jay on a spring morn.

In an attempt to change the subject for his friend, Harry asked about the sauce, but wasn't getting much of an answer from the witch. The reason became clear when a house elf arrived to retrieve the dirty dishes and then serve pudding. Mrs. Longbottom excused herself, leaving them to their pudding and privacy, though Harry was sure she'd not gone far and had an ear open.

"You sly dog," Harry stated with a laugh. Neville hadn't argued with Hermione and had willingly added coins to a collection for S.P.E.W., yet all the while he'd had a house elf in his home.

"Please don't tell Hermione," begged Neville, who looked worried when Harry's face took on a mischievous quality. Hermione would be on him like a dog on a bone, and drive him crazy, not to mention alienate herself from his Grandmother.

"Well…" Harry began and then took a moment to taste his dessert. He seemed to be considering what he should do, but then put his friend out of his misery. "If I haven't told her about my house elf, why would I tell on you, Nev?"

"You?" asked a shocked Neville. "But you said that you didn't want one, even though that Dobby offered so many times," he recalled the many evenings the elf had prostrated itself at Harry's feet, entreating to be taken along when Harry finally moved from the castle.

"Dobby is bound to me." Harry started his tale, knowing his friend's grandmother was probably listening. "Technically he's still free, though he is working at Hogwarts," Harry took another bite of his pudding, more for a moment to get his thoughts in order than to enjoy the treat.
"When I first came to live with Albus, he was by my side almost constantly, but as Headmaster, he still had things to do and places to go. Madam Pomfrey was around too, but they needed someone to be available twenty-four hours a day," he finished more quietly. It was hard to admit some things aloud. "Dobby freely took on a bond that would make him in-tune with my needs even though he already spent a great deal of time with me, if only to help Albus return to some of the necessary things he'd put aside while he had been taking care of me," Harry was grateful for Neville's friendship and the honest look of curiosity rather than pity.

"I didn't know you could be bound to a house elf, besides the usual ownership that's common with the old families," Neville had forgotten all about his pudding and paid rapt attention to Harry's story.

"Albus needed to know that not only would Dobby be there when he himself couldn't, but that he could also sense my needs even if I couldn't communicate them," he had expected it to be more difficult to admit how vulnerable he'd been, when he had fought for his life after his own uncle’s special brand of torture. He was relieved to find otherwise, in the non-judgmental, simply interested presence of his friend. "We're magically bound. I hate to say that it's much like a slavery bond, but it was the best choice. Dobby could come to help me and could never be forced to betray my privacy. Since I no longer need constant care, he is free to take as many days off as he'd like. Actually, we need to enforce some time off," Harry said with a smile. "Despite the freedoms he’s allowed, he’s still bound to me for life," his smile faded. "That used to bother me, but one day he told me that he had always loved his freedom, but had felt like he didn't really belong anywhere, since none of the other house elves he knew at the time were free. Also, his status changed greatly, after the bond. Many of the elves that had scorned him for his radical way of thinking for wanting to be free, were suddenly honored to be serving with an elf that had willingly taken a bond to forever serve the 'Great Harry Potter'," he rolled his eyes at the epithet.

"If you need anything, he'll know?" Neville was still goggling at the implications, and couldn’t imagine what it would be like for someone to have such access to knowing your every need. It was a little embarrassing. Harry laughed as he saw Neville looking uncomfortable at the thought of it.

"It's taken a while, but we've learned to adjust, since I can see to my own needs. Remember the time he showed up in Trelawney's class with a fan because the smell of incense was making my eyes water? Trust me when I say there've been far more embarrassing moments," Harry said with a smile and slight cringe, thinking about Dobby finding him in a compromising position with a fellow student, and on several later occasions, with Severus. "Now we’ve come to the arrangement that I have to concentrate on Dobby along with a specific need or want before he actually shows up," Harry was tempted to call his elf friend but thought it better not disturb him for something so trivial.


In the greenhouse where Neville worked, Harry, in snake form, meandered through the plants. He discovered the form had a swiftness he had never previously considered. And also, it was amazing how different speaking Parseltongue was with a forked tongue. He continued to hiss out to Neville regardless that his friend was unable to understand. ~Everything smells so different like this~ his tongue tasted the air as he slithered along plants that now seemed so big.

Neville smiled at Harry, finding it funny how the little snake continued to hiss and occasionally looked up as if expecting a reply to the sibilant language. "I've got to do some work in the next greenhouse up ahead. Let me know if you find anything. Oh, and thanks a lot. I really appreciate this," the only reply he got was a nod of the head and a flickered tongue.

As Harry settled in, waiting to see who or what was doing damage to some of the plants, he recalled the previous week when he had stowed away in Ron's pocket on his way to work. That time it had been a brief Grim impersonation. Harry hissed in laughter as he continued to lounge around the greenhouse, waiting for a plant nibbler to show up.

~`~`~ Flashback ~`~`~

It was disconcerting that he wasn't detected as he entered supposedly secure offices. It was somewhat a relief when he was finally detected at the entrance to the Auror department. Ron signed him in as a visitor, but no one questioned who he was while under a Glamour similar to what he’d worn at the conference with Severus. Ron had showed him a picture of the Auror who'd been annoying him. Once out of view, he shifted into a tiny bug and assumed a position on the back of Ron’s shoulder.

A young Auror who had started the same week as Ron had a chip on his shoulder due to Ron's early review and subsequent raise. It wasn't as if Ron was doing something underhanded, he'd just been in the unfortunate position to find himself in close contact with Death Eaters and had apprehended a few because of it. Harry thought his friend might be braver - or at least take more risks - than some who had learned to take a different approach because of their experiences over the years. Just so long as it didn't involve large spiders, Ron held his own quite well.

"That’s him," whispered Ron when a wizard approached. He stood every bit as tall as Ron, but stockier overall, with big bones covered in well toned muscles. Harry readied himself for his opportunity, still clinging to the back of his friend’s robes

"Weasley," he greeted Ron scornfully.

"Walsh," Ron's tone was pleasant, which served to annoy the Auror immensely. They rode in a stormy silence until the lift doors opened and a growl could be heard. Walsh turned to make a scathing remark but then spotted the large black bear-like dog.

"Aaa… Weasley," he stuttered, wand at the ready.

"What?" asked Ron, looking around the lift, acting as if he didn't see the ghostly black Grim.

"Don't play with me, Weasley. I know you see…" his words trailed off, having taken a quick look back down to find only an empty lift. "I um… I, that's not funny," finished Walsh, playing it off as a bad joke, but clearly wasn't convinced as Ron looked at him, apparently perplexed at his actions.

"Yeah, actually that was very funny," whispered Ron after the lift doors closed, seemingly leaving Ron alone.

~'~'~ end flashback ~'~'~

Later that day, Harry found himself in yet another greenhouse as he delivered a small clipping to Professor Sprout from Neville. He'd just left the building, clutching his robe to fend off a gust of wind. Startled by a shadow emerging from the Forbidden Forest, Harry had his wand at the ready, just beneath the folds of his robes. He continued to walk as if he hadn't seen the dark figure, but kept him in sight. Getting a better view as the stranger approached, Harry noted a limp to his gait. It was slight, or the person was putting a lot of effort into hiding it. All at once Harry realized, limp or not, he knew that walk and the physique. That person could only be Severus.

Snape noticed his lover approaching. With an internal sigh he reflected, why was it that of late, Harry nearly always seemed to be there when he returned from a trying meeting in a weakened state, but was never there to see when he returned proud and tall, having evaded the Dark Lord’s wrath and brought back particularly useful intelligence? Well, at least he’d determined a solution to the current dilemma; he was confident he would get the stubborn young wizard to accept it, and sooner rather than later.

"Potter!" shouted Severus, an uncertain tone in his voice that Harry couldn’t recall ever having heard. "What do you mean, loitering about the grounds when you're late for an appointment with the Headmaster!" he shouted louder than was called for. "Are you so irresponsible that you need an escort, to be punctual?" his hand grasped Harry’s shoulder tightly, as if he planned to drag the young man into the castle. Both of them knew Harry had no such appointment.

Harry gave only a 'Yes, sir, I mean no, sir' and didn't comment when he felt the hand get heavier on his shoulder, realizing Severus was using him for balance. Harry kept the annoyed look on his face as he and Severus approached the Headmaster's office.

"Ah, Severus my boy, you're back," Albus hurriedly came around his desk, holding a hand out to help, knowing it would not be accepted. "Harry," he said, but it was unclear if it were a greeting or a question of sorts.

"I came across Harry on the grounds," Severus explained, knowing Albus thought Harry might have known he had been summoned. He knew Albus’ concern was that Harry might have had a vision, or shared in the pain from the Dark Lord's wrath.

"Where are you hurt?" Harry spoke for the first time, taking his potions case from his robe pocket. Harry was sure he saw a pleased look on his lover's face before a grimace appeared. Saving time, Harry handed over the leather case so Severus could help himself to any needed potions. "Do you want me to get Poppy, or something from your stores?" he asked, knowing they could easily call a house elf, but wanting to give them a chance to speak in private if need be. Severus thanked him silently with a subtle nod before voicing his request.

"I'll be finished here shortly. Perhaps you can have Effie bring us something to eat." Before Severus had a chance to remember his floo wouldn't be open, Albus aimed his wand at the fire, casting a spell to allow Harry to Floo in to Severus' bedroom. Harry had been disappointed to find that it wasn't magical strength that allowed Albus such a feat. It was just a spell that would only work for the Hogwarts Headmaster.

Harry’s eyes widened a bit, hearing Severus refer to a house elf by name, but didn't comment.


Harry wondered vaguely if Severus was going to tell him what had happened, or if this would be like the many times they didn't discuss what went on during his missions as a spy. His train of thought bounced along tangentially connected associations. He wouldn't come right out and ask, but wished he knew if Sev had suffered due to his Master's displeasure, or worse, had been directly involved with some of the more seedy Death Eater activities. It was troubling to hear the insecurity in his voice earlier, when Severus had spoken to - more like yelled at him - when he’d first arrived on the grounds. So like the man to have his rebuke cover a need for help. They'd previously discussed Harry’s registering as an Animagus and that Voldemort would probably use the opportunity to test the DE’s loyalty. Maybe he had shown up with a black cat that looked just like Harry's registered form, watching for a possible wrong reaction?

"I guess those potions worked pretty well," Harry said when Severus stepped gracefully from the floo, moving naturally as if only minutes before he hadn't just barely managed to walk to the castle from the Death Eater meeting. Harry wasn't stupid. He knew Albus or Poppy must have had a hand in Severus' healing; he looked much better than simply a few potions would explain. "I think a bath is in order," Harry began to steer a reluctant Severus to the tub.

"No, it's quite late and I'm sure we're both hungry," Severus didn't need to be mothered. But he had to admit it wasn't often Harry had the chance to care for him, and thought maybe he should be reasonable… or not. "Let's eat."

"I don't think so," Harry said with a smile and started to work on Sev's buttons. "Wasn't it you that insisted I take a hot bath when I was so sore after training?" Harry decided buttons were far too much trouble and slid his finger down the front of Severus' jacket, opening them all at once.

"Show off," Severus said casually, but was impressed by the both the magic and that Harry had learned such control. "I only told you the bath would help your muscles because I like you better naked," he explained with a smirk, but didn't put up much of a fight when Harry led him to the room.

Despite the teasing, tonight's bath wasn't going to involve hot, mind-boggling sex while sloshing water over the side, as they'd done at the hotel in Bulgaria. They were both content to lay in the bath a while as Harry gently rubbed a soapy hand across Severus’ chest, more as a comfort than any real attempt to wash. When Severus' head lulled to the side before jerking upright, he decided they'd soaked long enough. Harry thought Sev had started to fall asleep and didn't see the problem with that so long as he was there to watch, but Severus mumbled about more important things needing to be done. Harry's stomach chose that moment to voice protest at a delayed dinner, so he knew he would not be able to give sufficient reason to remain in the bath.

Harry heated the bedsheets, glad he'd taken the time to learn a few domestic spells. He couldn't convince Severus to eat in bed, but as consolation, Severus forwent the warm, comfortable old nightshirt Effie put out for him and instead put on his silk robe, albeit with a warming spell to make it equally cozy.

"Was your prediction correct?" asked Harry. He briefly considered the wine, then poured them each a glass of burgundy - once before he had found that spirit to be mellow and warming to his psyche, when Severus had given it to him after a particularly trying day. "Any black cats cross your path tonight? I've not been a black cat since I registered, you know," he added. Severus simply nodded and took a rather large sip of wine.

"None of the press or even the Ministry records say what size you are, only the colour and what markings you have in your cat form. I know your cat form tends to be somewhat small, so when the Dark Lord showed up with a fairly large enraged cat, I wasn't overly concerned," was all he said. What had actually upset Severus was an occurrence during his final class of the day, just before being summoned.

~`~`~ Earlier in the Day ~`~`~

Severus checked the time once again. He couldn't wait for his last class to be over and done with. A third-year Hufflepuff-Ravenclaw class was beginning to brew a relatively simple potion when a student arrived late. What surprised him more was the owl that had taken the opportunity to fly in the open door to deliver a message. Landing on his desk, the large brown barn owl had a small scroll tied to one leg and a wriggling mouse in the other talon. Unfortunately for the owl, he had to drop the mouse to stand with one leg held out for Snape to retrieve his post.

"Oh, the poor little thing," cried a girl in the front row, not wanting to see the little mouse torn apart and ingested. Her Professor ignored this in favor of reading the small missive. A tingle of magic informed him the note was spelled for his eyes only.

Having lunch with a friend, I'll look for you later.

No, I'm not the Owl, since I know you'd never approve of me being that predictable.

Feeling generous, Severus shooed the owl away without its lunch, but managed to find some inane reason to deduct points from Hufflepuff for the girl's behavior.

As the class progressed, he soon regretted his decision to be generous. One girl continued to coo at the cute little creature that seemed perfectly happy to sit atop the desk, grooming its fur. Another equally obnoxious girl was near hysterics about being in such close proximity to an un-caged rodent and couldn’t keep her attention on the cauldron that threatened to boil over.

At almost the exact moment it occurred to Severus that the mouse might be Harry, he turned to see one of the boys slamming his Potions book down on the mouse, crushing it.
"All better now?" the boy angrily growled at his lab partner, the hysterical girl whose potion had spilled over, earning them both a zero for the day. The commotion that ensued when the Hufflepuff screamed at the mouse’s extermination caused two more cauldrons to spill over.

"EVERYONE OUT!" shouted Severus, pointing to the door. "You fools allowed concerns over an insignificant rodent to earn you all zeros for the day. Get out of my sight!" he locked the door and put up wards the second it closed.

In a frantic attempt to convince himself that it was just a mouse, Severus cast every spell he could think of to force an Animagus back to their natural state. After exhausting his knowledge of Animagus spells, he resorted to charms to reveal the magical signature of the recently deceased. Certain the mouse was nothing more than the rodent it appeared to be, he dropped his head to the desk, frightened by the intensity of his reaction. He realized he had never been afraid of anything as much as he feared losing Harry. His hands shaking, Severus retired to his sitting room to become much better acquainted with a bottle of Old Ogden's. Twenty minutes and a quarter of a bottle after his class would have ended, there was a familiar burning pain in his forearm.

His fear and anger at his own reactions spurred Severus on. He took a sobering potion and quickly went to join the Death Eaters at Voldemort's feet. When the cat had been brought in, he was more than happy to prove his loyalty and work off some adrenaline by creatively decimating the hapless creature. It wasn't until he'd stepped out of the Forbidden Forest and saw Harry outside of the school’s greenhouses that he'd finally begun to calm down.

2nd half of Chapter 79

Had trouble posting at Inkstained, but this chapter with all the rest are also posted at HPfandom
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