(no subject)

Feb 08, 2007 00:52

~'~'~ Present time ~`~`~

"…alright there?" asked Harry again when Severus appeared to be lost in thought.

"We need to discuss a few things," stated Severus, ignoring Harry's inquiry. "The signal we decided to use while you're in animal form has too many flaws. We can't guarantee I'll recognize you, and I can't have a panic attack every time someone swats a fly," he purposely ignored Harry's questioning raised brow.

"Any suggestions?" Harry knew the man probably had several, and also that there had to be something behind this, though he might never find out exactly what was the cause. Hearing the seriousness in his lover's voice, Harry suppressed the moan that nearly escaped when he bit into something scrumptious. He didn't think Severus would've appreciated it. Seeing his lover hesitate, Harry sat up straighter, waiting to hear what had him in this state.

"I don't want you to take offence," he began, which made Harry all the more curious. "I'd planned on giving you this for Valentine's Day," he explained as he put a small rectangular box on the table. "It has several protection spells, but with your consent, I would like to add a few other charms," Severus' tone was as uncertain as Harry had heard him near the forest. "It's just a small token…" he barely added, unsure of his choice.

"Do I have to wait until the fourteenth, or may I open it now?" Harry couldn't wait to see what was in the box and wasn't too concerned about the charms.

"Please," Severus held it out, looking somewhat relieved. "I'm afraid this will leave you empty-handed on Valentine's Day."

"I was thinking about that, actually," Harry unwrapped the box more slowly than he'd ever opened a gift, peeling back the paper. "My gift to you isn't something you can open; it's more like an experience, I guess," Harry couldn’t wait to tell Severus that for one afternoon he'd get to learn and cook with one of his favorite chefs. Christmas seemed so long ago; it had been all he could do to restrain himself from telling Sev. "So… I thought maybe I'd buy us a big box of chocolates and look up some protective spell for the bedsheets…"

"Insatiable brat," smirked Severus, "Open your gift," the tenor in his voice gave away the fact that he approved of Harry's chocolate suggestion.

"It's from Bali, I hope you like it," he hadn't seen Harry wear jewelry, but the younger wizard had complimented Severus on the few pieces he'd worn.

"Wow," Harry pulled the silver and leather bracelet from the box. "This is brilliant," he held it up to get a closer look at the detail on the intricate, silver beads where they joined the twined leather. He was curious about the spells Severus wanted to cast, but at the moment thought only to put on the bracelet, to see how it looked. Harry shook his hand to be sure that it wasn't going to slip off, and then gave Severus a beaming smile.

Severus was grateful Albus had insisted on having Poppy patch him up, now that he had a sudden lapful of Harry thanking him between kisses… wonderful, hot, passionate kisses. A demanding tongue was only briefly forgotten when strong hands held his hair tight, pulling him impossibly closer. "I could scarcely imagine how you'd react were I to shower you with jewels," teased Severus when Harry paused just long enough to take off his glasses and possibly take a breath.

"I just wanted to make sure the beads wouldn't get tangled in your hair," Harry lied breathlessly, once again grabbing handfuls of Severus' ebony locks. He leaned in for what seemed would be another kiss, but surprised Severus instead with a teasing nip on the lip. "You're always doing things to show me how much you care for me, or to protect me. You always make me feel safe. I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate it."

"Keeping you safe is a full-time job. What, pray tell, do you plan to do to show me just how much you appreciate…" his words were cut off with a hiss as Harry's teeth clamped down on him again, this time on his neck.

"I was going to nibble my way along until I found a great cock to suck, but now I think I've changed my mind," Harry tried to sound put out, but his burgeoning erection pressing against Sev's answering hardness drove him to distraction. "I look good in this," Harry said, as he waved his hand, causing the bracelet to turn on his wrist while simultaneously divesting himself of everything but the bracelet.

"Indeed," agreed Severus, caressing Harry's legs before wrapping his hands around a firm arse, pressing Harry's bits maddeningly against his own tightening trousers. When Harry attacked his mouth once again, Severus teased a finger around Harry’s entrance. Groans were muffled by kisses as Severus prodded and found that the channel he wanted to be buried deep into was suddenly well lubricated. During their intimate times Harry didn't bother to hide his magical prowess; the casual display of power always made Severus harder.

With his legs wrapped around Severus, Harry dripped with need while being finger-fucked. "More," he pleaded, grinding himself against the wool trousers. "Please more," he begged and nearly cried when they heard a knock at the door. "No, please, I need your cock inside of me now," whined Harry, but Severus was already getting up and depositing Harry onto the bed. Harry knew he had to be reasonable, but he hadn't spent much time with his lover the past week or so.

"If you wouldn't mind making me look presentable, I'll return all the more promptly," implored Severus. He too would like nothing more than to be buried in his passionate lover. Harry summoned his wand, and made Severus look perfectly respectable. Though he did leave a few buttons open at his neck, Severus' clothes were without wrinkles and his shoelaces tied.

Stepping into the loo, Severus washed his hands and checked his reflection. After closing one of the buttons, he deemed himself presentable and left his rooms to see who had the audacity to interrupt them. Before opening the door, he checked again to be sure his erection was concealed.

"This had better be important," he began before the door was fully open and he could see who it was. "Lupin," he said with disdain, but didn’t acknowledge the student standing somewhat behind the Defense professor. Nearly out of sight was another student Severus had seen at the Death Eater meeting earlier that evening. The young snake was peering around the corner, getting a glance at his Head of House, no doubt looking to see if he had recovered.

Having been looking past Lupin, Severus missed the surprised expression on his co-worker’s face, though since he was now shifting his weight from one foot to another, it was clear something was going through the wolf's mind.

"We've obviously caught you at a bad time, a potion brewing, perhaps?" Remus began. "One of your Slytherins and a Gryffindor in my sixth year class were in an altercation after dinner. I can use my discretion as to their punishments, if you'd rather get back to what you were doing?"

Severus hadn't missed the smirk on his face, the damn wolf.

A curious Harry listened at the door, but hadn't heard Sev's response as it was probably ground out of clenched teeth. He did however hear the door close firmly. When the door to the bedroom finally opened, Harry watched his lover enter, his expression intense as he examined Severus.

"I wonder…” Harry trailed off and transformed into a common wolf. His nostrils flared as he stalked closer to Severus, who watched his every move. To his credit, Severus hadn't flinched when the wolf buried his snout in his crotch. With a growl, Harry stood on his hind legs, sniffing everywhere at once. "You reek of sex," he said the moment he turned back; his hands still up on Sev's shoulders as his paws had been. "I can smell myself where I pressed my cock against you," he said, while going down on his knees and sniffing again, noting the differences with his human nose. "Even your hands," he said pulling a few fingers into his mouth. "It's toned down by the soap, but Remus would still have noticed," smirked Harry.

"What is it that has you so hot and bothered?" teased Severus. Before their interruption, Harry had gone from gently caressing him in the tub to leaping onto his lap at the dinner table. He appreciated Harry's reaction to his gift, but it seemed to be quite the sudden change.

"I may have already been worked up when I saw you outside, but then you were hurt so…" he'd calmed down, but what with getting a nice gift and the relief of knowing Severus was well, he'd hardened right back up again.

"What, pray tell, had you so worked up?" Severus wrapped a firm hand around Harry's cock as he spoke. "I didn't know Longbottom could get you all hot and bothered. Hmm?" he hummed teasingly and nuzzled Harry's hair before pulling an earlobe between his lips.

Groaning and tilting his head to give better access, Harry tried to focus while Severus did wicked things involving a lobe, two lips, a hot tongue and nibbling teeth. "I um…" his knees threatened to buckle. "I was in my snake form, sleeping in the begonias when a delivery guy showed up. Merlin, do that again," he pleaded, momentarily forgetting his story. "The next thing I know, Neville's assistant came into the greenhouse, locked the doors, and stripped naked. They were going at it for a while, knocking plants over, which explains why Nev thought something was chewing the plants in that area."

"My little snake is a voyeur?" Severus had pulled his wand, but before he managed the incantation, Harry had already purred the spell to remove his clothes. "Bed. Now." ordered Severus, pleased to see his young lover obey immediately.

Harry knelt, his cock jutting out like a flagpole; his tongue unconsciously licked his lips in anticipation. Severus stacked up several pillows against the headboard and then sat down against them, motioning for Harry to join him. Once again, Harry straddled his legs, only this time without any clothes to hinder the delectable skin contact.

With long slender hands, Severus held Harry's face while capturing his lips in a heated kiss. Harry's fingers quickly went in search of Sev's nipples, rolling and pinching them until Severus groaned into his mouth. Their tongues entwined as Severus explored Harry's mouth with occasional nips to his lower lip. Harry did his best to grind their cocks together. Severus paused a moment to get a better look at the only person who could have turned around such a bad day. His young lover had his eyes closed, lips red and puffy, swaying on his lap while attempting to get some friction between them. Debauched was the only way to describe him. It no longer mattered that he had the day from Hell when now he had pressed against him an incredibly sexy eighteen year old that was dripping sex.
"Perfect," he said breathily before claiming Harry's mouth again.

Harry groaned, surprised by how much tongue Severus managed to assault him with. He was panting when Severus left his mouth for new areas to explore. Harry had been kissed so fervently, he'd forgotten to breathe. Panting now, he arched his back, presenting his neck and pressing himself closer to Sev's glorious cock.

'Love you,' were the muffled words under his chin, where Severus' exploration had continued. Harry's unshaven neck was more noticeable as his Adam's apple bobbed against his lips. Severus' skilled tongue traveled along Harry’s collarbone and then a muscled shoulder as he wrapped his hands around his lover’s arse. He pulled him closer, causing Harry's straining cock to rub against his abs, pre-come leaking and rubbing into his sparse upper body hair.

"Fuck," huffed Harry as Severus bit down on his nipple and simultaneously plunged two fingers into his tight arse.

"Feel the burn?" asked a deep voice and Harry realized the two fingers were one from each hand as they pulled in opposite directions, causing a slight burn as they opened him in preparation of the cock that was currently pressing up against Harry's sac.

"Yes," Harry hissed with each stretch, pressing back, wanting them deeper inside him. As Severus plunged in further, it caused Harry to rise up further, causing more friction against his cock. He'd not even noticed when he'd been lifted up enough for Sev' cock to no longer be trapped under him. He could hear that sensuous voice but was too intoxicated by sensations to pay much attention to the actual words spoken. He moaned loudly, blissfully lost in the moment as Severus brought him closer to the edge. Suddenly, as if a giant wind had cleared the sky, Harry's foggy mind cleared and realized Severus had stilled. "What?" he panted breathlessly, earning him an amused smile from his lover.

"Lube please, love," asked Severus, slightly breathless himself and Harry realized it wasn't the first time he'd asked… probably not even the second or third considering how much he'd lost himself in passion. Severus could have summoned it wandlessly, but since both his hands were occupied it was just easier for Harry to do it for them. It was only an extended blink of his eyes that gave any indication that Harry had cast the spell. Feeling the heat of Severus' now slick cock against his entrance, Harry hastily pressed back and impaled himself in one swift motion. He hissed from the burn but made no further indication of pain. Severus needed a minute, so wasn't complaining when Harry remained still for a moment to adjust.

Returning to Harry's neck once again, Severus kissed, licked and kissed again until he heard a needy whimper. "All right?" he asked before beginning to move. They rocked together as the heat built up between them. The feeling was exquisite, but after some time it was no longer enough. He wanted control.

"Harder," Severus said as an explanation for what he was doing, moving Harry back, laying him down carefully enough to keep them joined.

"Yes," hissed Harry as the jostling of their positions caused Sev's cock to hit his prostate unexpectedly. "Yes," he repeated, his pitch sounding more and more desperate, wanting it harder than he could have in their previous position. Severus was only too pleased to fuck him into the mattress at a fervent pace. Harry made the most scrumptious sounds, but could no longer speak coherently. Every squeak, gasp and shout encouraged Severus to pound him until Harry screamed in orgasm.

Feeling the warm spray of Harry's release against his skin spurred him on to finish with only a few more forceful thrusts. After catching his breath, Severus slowly began to pull out of his spent lover. The sound Harry made was a cross between a whimper and a giggle and he was concerned only for a moment before he could get a look at the sleepy, contented smile on his lover’s face.

"I'm dead, you've killed me," moaned Harry. "Someone alert Albus, you've been working for Voldy the whole time. I'm dead," he repeated with a silly grin. Severus grunted before placing a kiss to the tip of Harry's spent cock.

"Don't move, I'll be right back," Severus instructed, getting off the bed. "Oh, and stay away from the light," he added with a smirk. Harry mumbled something about being left for dead, but resisted the urge to move his spent muscles.

"He actually listened?" Severus commented quietly in a shocked tone when he returned to find Harry hadn't moved. "I should have fucked you into submission years ago," he teased.

"Yeah, I dare you to try that with one of your Gryffindor classes," laughed a sleepy Harry. "Bloody Hell, what are you up to?" He watched as Severus used his wand to cause his cock to harden again, but not as big as usual. Harry groaned, unsure of what Sev was doing. "Sorry love, I'm not up for seconds. No pun intended," he added.

"Just a little something to make sure this remains a pleasurable experience," he said, not actually explaining what was in the viscous beige cream he was spreading on. Harry hoped it wasn't lubricant, as it was most unappealing.

Harry hissed in anticipation of the thrust, but was pleasantly surprised to find the pasty looking cream caused his sore bum to sooth and heal. "My hero," sang Harry with a high voice that caught when Severus' magically enhanced erection brushed against his prostate. His cock twitched in appreciation, but remained soft. Thankfully, it didn't hurt when Severus pulled out again and waved his wand to clean them up.

"I really like this," Harry said, looking at his bracelet again. "Thank you," he said with a kiss to Severus soft lips, pulling him closer. He could see the apprehension in his lover's expression, and put him at ease by taking up the topic first. "So, tell me about the spells you want to include in your gift.” Harry knew he'd made the right decision as Severus seemed to release a breath he'd been holding, before beginning his explanation.

"With the spells and charms I've selected, I should be able to identify you in your Animagus form. It's a kind of combination of tracking and revealing spells. In addition to knowing if you’re there, I should be able to pick you out from other animals," he paused for a moment as if still considering the next option. "There's also a charm to tell me if you're hurt," he looked up make eye contact again, only to find curiosity in Harry's eyes. "I was rather surprised to hear the type of connection you have with the house elf. If he could sense your needs, wouldn't he have known when you were in danger the night you spend outside the training building in the snow?"

"Not anymore," Harry replied, shaking his head. "One of the reasons Albus chose that particular slave bond was because it can be manipulated by the caster and the dominant of the two bonded. I wasn't coherent when he made the decision. Albus was taking a huge chance, bonding me to Dobby without my permission. These days, before he'd pop in, I'd have to think about Dobby along with a need for him to fulfill. It's taken a lot of trial and error to get it all straight over the past year or so," Harry recalled the times when he'd been back in classes, but was still not completely 100%. If he'd found himself getting overtired during classes, Albus would inevitably arrive, asking Harry to be excused so that he could come to his office to discuss something. No sooner had he gotten to the top of the rotating staircase, Albus along with Dobby were leading him to his 'extra' bedroom for a kip.

"Tell me, my nearly Slytherin, how long did it take you to use and/or abuse this to your advantage?" he watched as Harry's cheeks tinged ever-so-slightly pink.

"I may have realized the many applications for which such power could be used," Harry's smirk was so close to Severus' own, it made him laugh to see it on Harry's still slightly flushed face. "If Hermione got all worked up about a test and forced Ron and I to study along with her far beyond what we would consider necessary, Dobby would conveniently show up, insisting that I needed to nap or drink a restorative potion. Didn't matter really; as soon as Dobby arrived, Mione would get all motherly and send me off to rest," laughed Harry.

"She bought that?" Severus asked incredulously. "I find it hard to believe that she wouldn't see through you soon enough."

"Eventually she figured it out. Dobby had showed up and the dangerous look in her eye was enough to know that that well had gone dry. It scared me at times to know just how in tune with me Dobby was back then. We'd made eye contact just long enough for me to get a mental point across." 'Did Harry Potter and his friends like a snack while they work?' Dobby had asked them. "Surprisingly, Mione just said 'Nice try,' and left it at that," Harry rolled over, leisurely draping himself over Severus. Harry again looked at his bracelet appraisingly. "Does this work both ways? Will I know if you're in pain?" he asked, though he was pretty sure of the answer. From the look on Sev's face, it had never occurred to the Slytherin for it to do so.

"I don't think that's a good idea," In addition to the adamant look on his face, his tone alone spoke volumes.

"You're probably right," Harry conceded. "Every time you were summoned by the Evil Git, I'd be a wreck," Harry then surprised him by asking "What happened tonight?" breaking their unspoken agreement not to ask about meetings.

Severus was silent for a moment and Harry wasn't sure he'd answer. "There was a test of loyalty and he was displeased with my response."

Harry swallowed the lump in his throat that reminded him why he didn't usually ask these questions. Had Severus blown his cover? Certainly news that big would have been mentioned earlier.

"My enthusiasm made it difficult, if not impossible for several others to prove their loyalty," loosely translated, he'd annihilated the mock Harry-cat with such vigor, there was nothing left for anyone else to do to it. "I'd been required to take the place of the black cat."

Harry winced and wondered if they all hexed and or cursed Severus simultaneously or had taken turns, though he wasn't sure which would be worse. He was at least relieved to hear that it had been a small group in attendance. That Harry had been on the grounds when Severus returned had been a relief to both of them.

"Did you have another question?" asked Severus, and Harry realized he hadn't responded. It was time to get back to their original topic.

"Will the charms on the bracelet tell me if I'm near you?" he recalled the test he'd passed with Kieran when they'd Polyjuiced a wizard to act as Severus. "Are you going to place the charms now?"

"If I may," Severus held out his wand. "I hadn't considered having the bracelet work both ways."

"You're not used to having someone watch your back, at least not in a good way," Harry said with a wink.

Surprisingly, it took little time to cast the spells and charms to the two objects. To help Harry's peace of mind, Severus placed an Impervious charm on the bracelet to keep it safe from the elements along with another spell to ensure it wouldn't come off unintentionally.

"Is that it?" asked Harry, expecting to have felt something from the magic cast. Severus then showed him the charms Harry would have to say over a small object he'd chosen for the link to be complete. "What will you do with that?" handing back the small amulet Severus had handed him for their purposes.

"It will be worn under the leather piece that holds my wand. I'm not exactly sure what the sensation will be to alert me of your presence. My sources were rather vague," his sources being Albus and several books. When Harry cast the intended spells, Severus understood vagueness of the descriptions he'd read. He couldn't put it into words, but he felt warmth, yet more than simply heat from the amulet. "Well, this explains how I'll know if you're close, or touching, but not how I'll be able to tell you from another animal," he said, thinking aloud.

"Want to test it?" asked Harry. Dobby appeared at the foot of the bed before Severus could answer the question.

The Potions Master let out an indignant squawk at the breach of privacy, pulling a bedsheet around them both. Before he could debase Harry on his lack of propriety, the house elf returned with three small white rabbits. "Close your eyes," instructed Harry, but he needn't have bothered as he caused a bright flash as if ten camera flashes had just gone off at once made Severus and Dobby both reflexively close their eyes with a wince.

"Remind me not to attend your next press conference," groaned Severus playfully. Harry of course didn't answer, but the house elf gleefully clapped his hands.

"Dobby is liking this game," his eyes shone brightly, standing near the foot of the bed, making sure none of the rabbits strayed.

Severus noted that the buzzing warmth he felt hadn't changed any. He cautiously passed a hand over the nervous animals and found he was drawn to one of them almost instinctively.

"Professor Snape, you has got Harry on the first try!" he clapped again and the bunny waved. "Dobby will mix up the bunnies for you to try again," he turned his back, trusting the Potions Master not to peek.

Severus eyed the furry participants, noting that they all had various black spots now. One in particular sat up with its head tilted as if studying the wizard before him. It had darted off to the other side of the bed when Severus raised a hand too close. He'd felt no familiar pull from the rabbit. Realizing the warmth had faded slightly; Severus wasn't surprised to find all the rabbits were just rabbits, though there was an extra one now since Harry wasn't one of them.

"Are you still in the room?" he asked, unsure. Harry hopped back into the room from the loo, his bunny fur the exact colouring as the rug, causing him to blend in, making him nearly invisible. This earned him an appraising nod from Severus


It was a trying week for Severus, adapting to the sensations of spells cast on Harry's bracelet. They'd made adjustments to regulate how much he would be aware of in regards to Harry being in pain. He hadn't foreseen the problem of Harry's high pain tolerance. As his third years practiced their slicing skills on the day's ingredients, Severus did his best to ignore the tingles he recognized as his lover's pain. He'd already embarrassed himself by bursting in on a training session two days ago. He'd been nearly frightened out of his wits when he'd entered the building to see Harry fall as the sensations of the spells nearly stopped altogether.

They learned that the tingle wasn't from an injury per se, but from the pain that Harry perceived. So, when he fell unconscious he was still injured, but the tingle that represented Harry's pain was barely discernible. Severus was very quick to learn the difference.


Far away from the school of Hogwarts, in a large stable, a burly Scotsman was pinned down by a small black dragon.
"Congratulations," he said sarcastically to the grinning dragon, hot breath threatening to cook his scruffy face. "You've gone and trapped me with no escape, but in the mean time, you've trampled and maimed several of your comrades with that uncontrollable mammoth of a tail. Not to mention, you set fire to half the forest when you spit flames the first time," Kieran narrated the mock battle. If he could have spoken while in dragon form, Harry would have protested the unlikely scenario his trainer was describing. That was, until he looked back to see why his tail felt heavy, only to see a bale of hay stuck on its horned spikes.

"Fawkes! What have I told you?" shouted Kieran, pushing the young wizard off of him with great force.

"To be aware of my position in relation of my next form," Harry spoke morosely. He'd been startled by the bale of hay on his tail, thinking it could have been one of his friends if they had really been in battle. He transformed back into his natural self, but was still on Kieran, who didn't appreciate their proximity or the weight of the bale of hay on top of them both.

"It ain't no good t’be able to become any animal you want if you’ve no control o’ your physical form," he reminded his student.

"I know," said Harry dejectedly, pulling bits of straw from his hair.

"How's your big cat?" Kieran asked, knowing it would bring a smile to Harry's face. They spent the rest of the training session on improving agility and speed with animals that were more likely to benefit the situations in which Harry may find himself.

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