Sep 15, 2005 23:31
Alright..i'm grounded now! No cell driving until i bring my grades up. I have to ride the bus everyday from now until february when i get my license if i want to get my license and drive to school. I am failing five of my classes right now: AP World History, Psychology, English II H, Bio H, and French I. I need to make up tests in WHAP, French, and Psych and hopefully it will bring my grades up a little..but it will take a lot of hard work and a miracle for me to get through the next three weeks of the quarter. My birthday party is this weekend and i'm hoping that people actually show up..i haven't really heard back from very many people..but maybe they'll still show up. Anyway..i have a ton of make-up work to do and i'm trying not to kill myself about it..but it's really hard when my dad is being to foul about the whole thing..he doesn't even care when i have good grades but when he has to get involved in my school issues he gets pissed. He's so egocentric..he thinks that he's entitled to being lazy and bossing us around because he makes all of the money in the household. That just pisses me off. far as a job..i'm not going to worry about that until i get my grades up and my parents aren't so mad at me.'s late and i still have another day of school tomorrow..Pep rally..yay! (not) Ok..goodnight and i will update when i can sneek ontot he computer again. Later.