I turned 25 and woke up the next day with a sinus infection. BOY AM I GETTIN' OLD!
Well I've had this raging sinus infection/plague from hell for the past 3 days. Had to drag my ass into work today because I couldn't afford not to work. My nose is rubbed raw, my ribs hurt from blowing my nose, and I generally look like crud. I have so much to catch up on, it's not even funny.
My birthday was low key and surrounded by friends. Pretty much just the way I wanted it. We went out to eat at
Marcella's and stuffed ourselves silly on all kinds of quality food items PLUS a boat load of Sangria. Even dessert and my after dinner coffee was scrumptious. I won't fill you in on all the details, but if you are interested you can read my
yelp review.
I received a number of nice gifts from friends as well, even though all I really wanted was to go out to eat with my friends. It was a nice surprise to get a gift as well!
So in between peeing every 20 minutes due to a massive intake of fluids, I've been playing Fallout 3. Loving the world and game play. Though it's taking me a little getting used to with the fighting, as I don't play that many action based games. I get absolutely lost in the world that Bethesda has made, and almost wish I lived in a post nuclear apocalypse.
Well, it's time for me to head off to a work meeting, followed by a short break at home, followed by closing The PAD tonight. OMG YAY FOR ME!