Title: Beyond Insane
Author/Artist: Lee and Kara Kiss
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Lee Adama and Kara Thrace
Theme: #3 jolt!
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: They're not mine but Ron said we could play with them.
Author's Note: Spoilers for the Mini-Series
He cringed when he saw her coming at him and as her Viper violently kissed his he felt the Jolt!. The realization that if she hadn't come after him he'd be dead hit with the same ferocity as the scream she'd been uttering as she barreled toward him. He knew she was crazy but this was beyond insane and he told her so, forcefully.
The slide as they entered the landing bay had him just as worried about his potential demise as the aft bulkhead rapidly approached. He wasn't quite sure if the beat of his heart or the screech of Viper bellies along the deck was louder. He just knew immenent death was reaching out it's hands for him again.
The second jolt was as they stopped and through whatever additional miracle he was granted today it didn't even take all that long to dislodge them both from the somewhat mangled mees they'd created. He cringed when he saw the look on the chief's face but then shrugged his shoulders and got an answering shake of the head and incredulous look.
His father had insisted on a medical checkup for them both but as they sat waiting it gave them both time to write their reports. For whatever reason they didn't look at one another each wrapped in the silence of their own world as the denziens of sick bay bustled around them.
They maintained the facade as they returned to the ready room to debrief but as she sat there directly in front of him her smirk began to grow and the heat started to build up inside of him. As the others streamed out he pinned her to her seat with his eyes.
For all he wanted to scream at her he couldn't bring himself to do it though, she'd saved his life. As he stood there he watched her get angrier at his silence until she eventually glared at him, got up and stormed from the compartment. He didn't stop her.
He finished out his day exhausted and bruised and relished the shower before climbing into a hastily made up bunk. He was asleep almost before his head hit the pillow expecting his rest to be full and long.
It wasn't a rest though. She came to him as he slept, smirks smiling, eyes boring, hands reaching, violent kisses, sliding entrances, forceful joinings, screams of pleasure, hearts beating. He was drenched in sweat and more as he was catapulted from the dream. He had every intension of making it a reality some day.