Dec 04, 2010 11:59
After I woke up, for I had slept much longer than they, we discussed what happened at the party. And at the "shootout", as I will call that building from now on.We talked about how much more careful we should've been or how much better the party could've been if we simply forgot about it and talked about something different and, eventually, we followed our own self-complaints and talked about something else. Eventually, topics came full circle, and we were talking about the party and shootout again when we noticed the time. We even talked over lunch in my house because there was so much debate. After a while, we reached a conclusion that everyone could've done better and we all needed to try harder next time. But everyone still had different opinions. And I wanted to settle it.
When I finally had all of their attention, I told them what I wanted, and they all agreed. But the methods were not sounding good until I came up to suggest that one dragon talks, then another, then another all the way around and resolve it that way.They all agreed readily to that. So I started with the dragon called Charlie, a nice-looking bronze dragon, and ended with Beauty, my golden dragon. I then said what I believed happened from all their stories. All except one fit into the story I proposed to them and I called my golden dragon up to tell me why that one story didn't fit in.
Her story.
She told me all of it and, right in front of my eyes, she pulled out proof. She had recorded their behavior. She heard them saying," If we propose a false story to her, then we can trick her and do... her. Then, we say to her that we lied and hope she forgives us so we can say she had reason to be wary of us when we do it to her. Then, we lull her into a false sense of security and then attack. And if-" They had stopped talking when they heard me and started chasing each other around, which was what I saw. I turned around. Next time I had control, they were all limp except her.
There's a time when one species of dragon can do nearly anything, and that species is mine in complete, total anger for a single life-form.That one little Achilles' Heel, however, is you lose control. Like when that happened. I had saved them, nearly with my life to pay, and that was how they rewarded me? With plans to kill me? I was swatting away sadness like flies and replacing it with spider-like anger and madness for them killing me in their plans and making it look like an accident and then just walk away. With that much anger in my heart, I exploded and fireballed them and punched them and kicked them and made them fall out of the air like poisoned flies, only to swoop down again to hurt them more, and they realized that was what I meant when I said bad. They remembered the same glow I had then as when I fought those people in my eyes.
Honestly, I'm still in wonder of how I didn't kill even one dragon.
Once I finally got a grip on reality, I made sure they learned their lesson and then we didn't talk about it much. That is, until we heard of a much bigger scheme and knew what had to happen.
Because it would affect the whole world. But that's a story for another time.
Once I think about it, I've had a lot of hard work and suggestions and heartbreak and madness and even pure rage, but overall, I'm doing pretty well at containing it. True, I'm not perfect, but then again no one is, not even in my race. So I'm proud of myself.
lj idol s7,