Some Random Observations

Aug 31, 2024 12:32

Saw a perfectly shaped chamomile flower while out for a walk. The rest is mostly rambling about anime.

Had a silly epiphany while watching Sengoku Youko the other day. Now that Ashikaga Yoshiteru had entered the picture and placed Sengoku Youko: The Chaos of a Thousand Demons Arc somewhere around 1565, Sengoku Youko could be considered a spoiler for Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi, since NigeWaka had Ashikaga Takauji as the main antagonist, and the story began in 1333. The fact that they are airing in the same season makes it even more entertaining.

With Ramen Akaneko and Giji Harem, both series feature Hayami Saori in the cast, so I'm imagining Rin from Giji Harem playing a tiger in Ramen Akaneko. Since Rin is an actress, it makes perfect sense. And speaking of Giji Harem, the relationship between Rin and Eiji progresses a lot more quickly than I'd expected from a rom-com.

Shoushimin Series makes every pastry and dessert look delicious. I really want to try that charlotte, even though I don't particularly care for grapefruit. Apparently it was so good that our resident detective Jogoro was willing to commit crime just so that he could help himself to a second one. Food porn and orgasmic delight indeed.

And on a sadder note...

Seiyuu Tanaka Atsuko passed away last week, and just yesterday I read that BL novelist Aida Saki has also passed away. It's always sad when it happens, and it seems to happen more often now that I'm older. Tanaka Atsuko's sexy, mature voice is iconic, and I really love Aida Saki's Esu series -- it was one of the inspirations for my "Draco as a spy" fic, probably more so than John le Carre. Aida-sensei was particularly good at writing gritty hard-boiled BL stories. I'm going to miss them both. R.I.P.

On a brighter note, it seems mangaka Minekura Kazuya has recovered well enough to continue Saiyuki Reload Blast. I'm not expecting her to finish Wild Adapter at this point (kind of like how I've given up on Clamp ever finishing X/1999 years ago). Still, I'm glad to hear some good news from her.

moving pictures - anime, blank page - manga

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