I have a class called Online Writing and Publishing in which our final project has to be either a blog or a website portfolio or a podcast. Since I have no interest in making a portfolio website that has to stand up to school standards and a podcast has to be pretty tame, I'm going to do a Steampunk stories blog.
Check it out:
http://steamworktales.blogspot.com/ A welcome post and Chapter 1 are up. It's rough right now, but I plan on polishing what I end up with from my "book" blog and turning it into book one of a series of steampunk novels.
It's mainly just for fun while I'm writing other things... but the blog pertains to my major and gets me out of doing a really boring blog about design...
Besides, my professor actually listens to the Extraordinary Contraptions. And if anyone listens to them, they have to like steampunk.