May 17, 2007 12:12
Yesterday Puck and I went to Job Lot to waste time while we waited to hear from Gina. Shopped and filled a cart full of stuff. Then I realized that it was stupid to buy all that stuff, it was things we needed but not that couldn't wait. Citronella candles, porch lights, canisters for sugar and flour, bath towels, a mouse for my laptop, some munchies, etc etc. So I abondoned the whole kit and kaboodle and went out. Got in touch with Gina while Puck bought the few things he wanted/needed. She told us to come on over and have some pasta with her and Adam. Hooray says us and we went to leave the plaza. Then I realized I'd locked my keys in the car. IN THE IGNITION. >_< So we called triple A and waited. And waited. And it rained and rained and rained. And waited. Finally they came and we dragged our wet cold asses into the car and went home because it was late. As we pulled onto our street we saw the light of fire engines flashing. There were three fire engines circled around our building and firefighters swarming around like ants. Everyone from our building was on our landing trying not to get wet. I felt like I was going to puke. I get so worried about the cats. Puck got out and asked what was going on. The fire fighter told him that it was a cooking fire and we should wait in our car. So we waited again. >_< But this time it was IN the car and we played pac-man on my phone. Then the fire engines left and we went inside. The whole building smelled like someone had burned a skillet full of dog poop. Puck claimed it smelled like burnt fish, but I knew better. We greatfully slinked up to our apt, breathing as little as possible, and went to bed.
Thus ends the tale of an aggravating evening. Poop.
P.S. Puss in Boots starring Christopeher Walken as Puss FTW. It's a musical. He sings and dances as Puss. F T W