Twilight inspiration.

Apr 08, 2010 14:37

These movies have me mezmorized on wishing for a feeling, a feeling i once i had, i think. That yerning for someone, its a beautiful experience, but very hurtful.Its a very extreme thing to need someone that much. Its dangerous to love someone so much. It never lasts forever, unless your a vampire i guess, haha. Too bad right? We cant all change and spend forever together. A good lesson to be learned. Acceptance is something i'm really starting to learn more of,acceptance that the past cant be changed, but just maybe reincarnated when the time is right..and that I will know when the time is right, forcing it will never actually be a good thing. My reasoning for only wanting my past is because when I share a connection with someone that is was is real, that is beautiful, imperfectly perfect. Ideal. Whats real is the only thing that is real. I just wish I knew one thing..but again i'll just have to be patient.
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