Jan 07, 2004 09:27
So yesterday as i was driving to work, a bird hit my windshield. If any of you remember, a while back i posted that this had happened and that my family is very superstitious about this (ie meaning that someone close to me is going to pass away) as i was saying, this happened to me a few months back, either late september, early october, and then a few weeks later, i found out that Curt had shot himself.
As I was sleeping last nite, i was having a very strange dream that i was at my aunts house in Sturgeon Bay, WI...now, Curts parents are my aunts neighbors, so Curt was in my dream as well, and he was wearing these bracelets, and he kept giving them to me, telling me that i had to wear them to stay alive....of course, after he gave them all to me, he died, but before he did so he told me that i had to give some to my uncle....apparently in my dream, my uncle had a hunting accident and died, because the next thing i knew, we were at my uncles funeral. Now, usually i would just push this into the back of my mind, but it really disturbes me because of my experience with the bird...and the fact that my dream was so incredibly vivid....im talking colors and voices, and certian things about my aunts house that i had forgotten, but had somehow made their way into my dream.
Heres a silly thing that happened to me though.
Falling asleep, watching Angel (the only half way decent show on at 12:30)
Plot of the story is that Angel is now all evil and goes into a bar full of demons and what not, looking for someone.
Angel walks up to a nasty looking demon, and starts asking questions...heres the dialouge.
Angel: So, guy over there tells me that you know where i can find him
Demon: Oh My God!! I cant believe its you! Would you mind signing an autograph for my hell-spawn??
Angel: Maybe some other time
Demon: Could you please, just this once?
Angel: Allright
Demon: Great! Could you make it out to Ashley??
At this point i am giggling like a schoolgirl, so i didnt catch the rest of it, but i thought that was pretty hilarious.
Hell-Spawn *guffaw*