My computer came in less than two days. I am filled with much joy. I've been playing around with her (Cameron is her name - I felt it appropriate since Ronnie named our connection SkyNet, and, yes, I am quite strange in that I like to name my computers. I blame Ray for this endearing quirk.) and have found that I adore Windows 7! Such a major upgrade from Vista. It's just so pretty and... not annoying!
THIS is my current wallpaper. Legendary, no?
I have so much to catch up on tomorrow! Color me excited and gung-ho and totally ready to be a productive member of society! And the internet. I'm going to come back with a vengeance! And perhaps icons.
Loved Glee last night! I can't believe that Burt Hummel, one of the best characters on the damn show, used to hand out pieces of the Aggro Crag on Guts... I was also so in love with Quinn's Gaga outfit and the fact that Puck got to sing again. I've been a bit iffy about Kurt this season; I know he's everyone's favorite, but I felt like his crush on Finn went from cute to a little creepy at times, what with the hooking up their parents so he'd get to be closer to him. Still, I loved that he stood up to those football players when they pushed Tina around, and I kind of wanted to punch Finn in the nards when he went off on him until Burt laid the verbal smackdown on him.
The music was alright. Bad Romance was okay. I thought the best parts were actually Santana's. Who knew? I liked Poker Face a lot. Some parts were a bit awkward when translated to that version, but overall Rachel and Shelby killed it. The Kiss performance was fun, and Puck's song to Quinn... I sometimes forget why I love him, and then he always reminds me why between wanting to name his baby Jackie Daniels and being a softie deep down inside.
(RAH)2 (AH)3 + [ROMA (1+MA)] + (GA)2 (OOH) (LA)2 = Bad Romance