The night drags on, and for the third night in a row I'm failing to get work done, yet don't want to sleep. I don't feel too bad about the former; after writing a 1,300 word (semi-decent, except for the SPAM bit) essay in the span of four hours, I figure I deserve some farking-around-reading-the-comic-blog time (incidentally, for those of you who have not yet experienced the wonder that is
Josh Reads The Comics So You Don't Have To, I command that you do so immediately if not sooner).
I'm presently sitting in the ETC, debating whether to go back to the dorm or not. I could definitely use a shower, tea, and some (non-academic) reading time. Especially as I have to study for my bloody Greek midterm tomorrow. Curses! ὦ Ζεῦ.
On the plus side, my desktop is now a photo of Nigel Nicholson (a classics prof. here) being beset by college-age women in scanty lingerie. It's stupendous. Especially the expression of terror on his oh-so-British face.