Failure = BEAR!

Oct 08, 2004 18:34

Last night I spent six and a half hours in the library and accomplished the following:

* Read 1/2 the Libation Bearers
* Translated 14 Greek-to-English sentences
* Wrote what is collectively one paragraph of my Hum essay

Total and complete failure. But I did get to see some kick-ass metal music videos.

Today I slept until noon, which was wonderful. Following that, Jay and I went downtown and went haberdashing! It was most excellent. Luxuriant silk scarves, spats, suspenders, hats, and more tweed than you can shake a stick at. Not to mention the stupendous employees. Men who work in haberdasheries are immeasurably cool. Post-haberdashing we went to Powell's, where I resisted the $35 S.C. Iliad (XIII-XXIV) and instead bought five other books for the same price :P Came back to the dorm and rearranged bookshelves into categories, which are as follows: Graphic novels, history & biography, pygmies & Amazonian exploration, semi-trashy fiction/fantasy, trashy fiction/fantasy, Greek & Latin reference, Greek & Latin textx (depressingly small), Greek & Latin translations, and writings on Greece & Rome. No Classics nerds here... I'm pleased with the outcome, although I need more bookends.

Tonight I have to write my bloody Hum essay. I sense an impending all-nighter. Thank the gods for Saturday...
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