Title: A Sickly Shade of Blue Author: faycequevoudras Claim: Elphaba: Wicked the Musical Table: Emotions Prompt: Jealousy Rating: PG Warnings: Spoilers if you haven't seen the musical
Title: Price Paid Author: faycequevoudras Claim: Elphaba: Wicked the Musical Table: Emotions Prompt: Pain Rating: PG Summary: The time has come Warnings: Spoilers if you haven't seen the musical
Title: All they want me to be Author: faycequevoudras Claim: Elphaba: Wicked Table: Emotions Prompt: Anger Rating: General Summary: Elphaba's thoughts on Oz and how they're forcing her hand.
Title: A Moment More Author: faycequevoudras Claim: Elphaba from Wicked: the Musical Table: Emotions Prompt: Desperation Rating: General Summary: Elphaba's thoughts after the freeing of the lion cub.