wonderful week

Dec 07, 2004 10:48


Last Thursday my brother threw me a make-up birthday party since he and the roomie didn't invite anyone to come Tuesday. I did the inviting this time. :-) And what would you guess? People actually came! Scott, Mike, Evan, Ashley, Heather, Rachel and I all walked over to Aaron's apartment together. When we got there, Juan was standing in the living room, in what I thought were his boxers. So I was scared to enter, but the door was open. So I said hi and when he didn't run, I figured they were shorts. Interesting. Anyway, my brother made me cut the cake, since it was my birthday. He was just too lazy and guys suck at cutting cake anyway. If it was going to look bad, he wanted it to be my fault. So Jon threw a knife to me.... literally. It only sliced my hand open in 2 places. Nothing too serious. Just kidding :-P So I passed out cake and ice cream. Chaddie showed up! Yeehaw! I am gonna miss that kid :-( I wish I would have gotten to spend more time with him this semester. But I was a jerk about making time. Yeah, I was busy but I could have easily hung out with him almost any day of the week! Sorry pal. I love you tons! Then, Kiesha and Holly stopped by. Awww, Kiesha made me the most adorable picture frame ever. It has my name and Proverbs 31:25-30 on it, which reads "She is clothed with strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." That is so sweet. I love that girl more than Kroger cake! She and my brother had fun with their lisps. Dang, that apartment was kickin'! Serious, the more I think about it, there were a LOT of people there. So, half of them were Aaron's roommates but that's ok!

Friday night, Bethy came to stay with me. I was going to eat in the red room, so I told Rachel to tell her that's where I was if she called. Well, you see, the red room is closed on Friday nights. Go figure, stupid Olivet. So I had to eat up in Sodexo. Yippee! However, I got to eat with Lacy and Amber so that was awesome. They insisted on throwing cooked carrots all across the cafeteria at random people. They threw a bagel at a kid too. I felt really bad. I was like deathly scared that he was going to be mad, but thankfully, they knew him. Whew. I was embarrassed to be with them for a second. I know, you can't imagine being embarrassed around Lacy, can you? :-P Haha, for those of you that don't know her, she's a riot. Heck, let me share the poem with you that she wrote me for my birthday!

To the Super Hott Birthday Girl,
Autumn Tagert you rock my world (picture of the world)
You make a super sexy birthday girl
I'm glad you're my friend because I like you a lot
Not only are you super cool, you're butt freakin hott
I hope your bday was a blast
If not I'll open a can of whoop........ um butt (can of whoop butt opened)
Anyways I love you to death and we go good together
in a non lesbian way
I want you to strip naked so I can make a model of you out of clay

Yep, that's my Lacy. haha. I died when I read that, by the way. She rocks my face off.
Anyway, Beth called and Rachel told her I was in the red room. So she was down there looking for me, and I wasn't there. So things got really crazy. We kept missing one another's calls, trying to meet up. I finally found her in Ludwig and almost tackle hugged her. She was looking absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Whoa baby. I had to be her bodyguard for old times sake. Fight all the gents off. We went to Wendy's, came back and had a smoothie in the coffee shop while talking about Mark and Kevin, and Ashley joined us so we talked about David too. I can't wait to meet him this weekend, by the way. After that, we came back to my room and talked some more. Then we decided to splurge and go get some BBQ chips at the gas station. And because it was the time of the month that us ladies like chocolate, we bought the entire gas station, it seems. You name it, it was probably in our bag. Well, mine anyway :-P We came here and talked yet again until bed time. I got to spoon with her in my bed! She said quite possibly the funniest thing. We were talking about going home for Christmas break. She was like "I cannot wait to use toilet paper. I hate school toilet paper. Every time I poop, I'm like.... 'my butt is like... cracked'." So, I died laughing. It made Rachel laugh too, as we were just lying in bed. I was obnoxious. Finally I was able to speak and said "Beth, EVERYONE'S butt is cracked!" It was a good moment. I laughed all that junk food off like it was nobody's business.
Saturday morning, Beth woke me up, gave me a hug and said she loved me before she headed to Chi-town with her roomie. It was nice to have her stay here, though I didn't get to spend nearly as much time with her as I was hoping. I went back to sleep and didn't get up until after 1. I missed lunch. That's alway stellar. I just hung out in the room all day. Aaron and I went to taco bell for dinner and then he bought me ice cream, which I never got *grumpy face*. Then I dressed up to go watch Messiah with Kiesh and Lacy. Oh my gosh. I don't know if it was just my mood or what but I was bored out of my mind. Lacy kept me entertained. We ended up leaving way early, when everyone stood to sing the chorus. I guess the lady behind us was like "Good riddens! It's about time!". Kiesh and I died like the entire thing, laughing at Lacy. She's freaking hilarious. So Lacy and I went to the red room for a bit. I went to bed after I showered. Wait, that's a lie. I didn't shower. Ewwwwwww!
Sunday I got up and got around for church. I was STOKED to be back here and able to go to Kresge. I LOVE the services there. So I get there early... only to find out that they have moved to the new campus. :-( I don't have a car and had not the slightest clue how to get there so I mosied on back to my room, because everyone else had already left to go to the other churches. Talk about a slam man. I was so excited, you have no idea. Then my dreams were just crushed. So it looks like I'll have to start finding a ride to the new campus Sunday mornings.
I ate lunch with Ash bash, then probably worked on my portfolio all day long. I mean "worked on it". I pretty much didn't start until 8 something at night and finished around 12. Not bad. Haha. I did some hardcore editing though. I was pleased with my papers.
Yesterday was an ok day. Hung out with Lacy and Kiesh for lunch. We were shooting spit wads at our friends as they walked by to get their mail. That was hilarious! I just sat there watching them but I was their cheerleader, laughing obnoxiously.
Kiesha and I sent emails back and forth like no other last night. Seriously. She sent me a random email telling me how glad she is that she met me. So I wrote her back, and we did that like 4 times. But these emails weren't just "hey, have a good night." They were like NOVELS! So many funny things happened last night. Like for instance.... I was copying one of my friend's Fine Arts notes for the exam. It took a good 1/2 hour to write all the stuff down. I have this thing about sitting on one of my legs. And aparently, that stops the blood flow to your limb. So, I stood up and stepped in the hall. Well, when I put my left leg down, I almost biffed it hardcore! I totally fell into the wall. So the next step, I was more cautious, only my leg like bent in and my knee went the wrong way. So I just started dragging my leg behind me. It was hilarious. So then, she emailed back a story she had like that. Man alive. I'm going to miss her over break. I want to hook her up with my brother so badly. He would LOVE hanging out with her. They've started to talk a little bit, but she's a dorky, shy girl around guys. She's so beautiful and the most amazing lady. Oh, come on Aaron! You can marry her if you'd like!
So here I am on Tuesday. I shut my alarm off this morning in my sleep. I woke back up like 10 minutes before my lab started. So I booked my heiny across campus to make it there on time. It was our last lab, thank God. We got out super early so I was able to come back and get all cute before chapel. And now I'm sitting here, wishing I was eating lunch. I just dropped off huge bags of candy for Lacy, Kiesh and my brother. I can't wait til they get them. They better enjoy cuz those puppies cost a lot to make. Santa came early!!! So this is when I part over to the red room. I'm hungry and better eat before chemistry. I have no motivation to go except this is the last week I'll ever have chemistry again. YEEHAW! I skipped the last like 3 weeks, so it's hard to get back into the groove of going. Don't worry, I have a B- in there. Not too bad, I think. Could be a LOT worse! I deserve that grade for my slacking off. When I do homework and stuff, I work so hard on it, but I just don't attend class. Why? He reads word for word from the powerpoint, which he posts on Olivet's website. So it doesn't make much sense to go. I don't focus.
Well, I hope you have a FABULOUS day! Let me just say that the best part of last night was talking to Derrick. Though we almost had our daily fight, I was happy going to bed. :-) I miss him :-( Hopefully we'll do some hardcore hanging out over break.
OH! That totally reminds me. I called Alex Lake this week to see how he was doing. Things started off great, but then he told me he had a girlfriend. So I was like "Awwww, so you're not my Alex anymore" I don't know if I said that really loud or what, but she started swearing and was like "What the F? Who is that? D straight you're not her Alex!" He was like "Whoa! Calm down! This is my best friend, Autumn, it's ok". I hate when stuff like that happens. Now things won't be the same when I hang out with him over break. I might have to loosen his collar, since it's obvious he's on a leash. Suck. That's ok though.
So yeah, Derrick rocks my face off. That's about all. I'm out to eat now. God bless!!!!!!
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