(no subject)

May 25, 2006 21:39

..stolen from pretty much everyone.

Have you ever:

1. Made out? Mm, yes. But maybe it doesn't count if it's a girl.

2. Slept in a different bed? No, I bring my bed with me everywhere I go. obviously.

3. Made out in a movie theatre? Nooo. sorry.

4. made out with 2 different people in one night? sorry again. I lack promiscuity.

5. Thought your cousin was hot? No. I have considered it, because it seemed appropriate for me to have
secret sexual desires for my cousins.. but they're just not. wait. actually there's one who's like 21 and he lives in Newfoundland and he's bald and i've only met him once. he could be hot.

6. Been in love? I will assume no. then eventually i'll realize that love just isn't that special. just watch.

7. Slept? Oh you should see me. You probably have, in fact.

8. Taken a shower with someone else? No. It is one of my most frequent fantasies.

9. Gone over the speed limit? uh. yeah. My favorite was a few fridays ago when EmilyJuliaEmily gave caitlin and I a ride to Heather's and we were blasting music I hate really loudly and screaming and dancing in our seats and giving other cars the middle finger. oh teenagers.

10. Painted your room? Yes! Look at its beautifulness. Actually it's pretty badly done, and people tell me that a lot. But it's still an accomplishment and I like the colours.

11. Driven a car? No. How lame is that.

12. Danced in front of your mirror? Constantly. Have I told you about mirrors? I'm pretty sure I have a serious narcisstic complex... I look at (and dance in front of) mirrors when ever I possibly can and sometimes I'm late for things because I can't tear myself away from the mirror. I even have a full-length one horizontally next to my bed so I can see myself right before I fall asleep and as soon as I wake up in the morning.

13. Gotten a hickey? Nope. Once I was playing piano at Tony's and claudia came up behind me and tried to give me a hickey but she just got saliva all over my neck. She gets so embarassed whenever I tell that story.

14. Been dumped? Nope. But I could've been I'm sure. And I will be.

15. Stolen money from a friend? Eh no.

16. Gotten in a car with people you just met? Yeah. bad habit I guess.

17. Been in a fist fight? Oh god no. as soon as somebody gives me like a friendly punch I cower and run away.

18. Snuck out of your house? Only so I wouldn't have to wake anybody. My parents don't give a shit if I decide at three in the morning that I'm going away for the weekend, etc.

19. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? Hehe. It would be cool to be the person that answers no for this one. But that's impossible.

20. Been arrested? Uh. no. sawwy.

21. Made out with a stranger? Nope. I've hugged police officers at police protests, does that count?

22. Left your house with out telling your parents? If I told my parents I was leaving they would be confused and ask why I was telling them.

23. Had a crush on your neighbor? No. I live on clemow... nobody even knows their neighbours' names. I think the guy right beside us is Joe.

24. Ditched school to do something more fun? Yes, I'm just that cool. Actually all I can think of right now is the time in grade 10 that we skilled so we could see Jesse and Jen in Insight Theater at Hopewell.

25. Slept in a bed with a member of the same or opposite sex? I have slept on beds with many many members of both sexes. Very small beds too.

26. Seen someone die? I don't think so.

27. Been on a plane? Yeah... but not since I was 6 when I visited my sister in New Mexico. I am excited about Germany and Austria.

28. Kissed a picture? Yes. I have some really good pictures of myself.

29. Slept in until 3? Hell yeah.

30. Love someone or miss someone right now? Yeeah. But I'm just a loser.

31. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Mhm! but it's been a while. I used that in my magical realism assignment.

32. Made a snow angel? I'm really bad at them.

33. Played dress up? Yes! Like every time I find my way into one of my female friends' closets! Aude's jeans and shirt are amazing. Also every year at Halloween when I would find a costume in Caitlin's basement before we went chrismtas carolling. And Rocky horror. I will post the pictures, I prommmise.

34. Cheated while playing a game? Um. probably not. I totally suck.

35. Been lonely? I do that sometimes. But I get over it.

36. Fallen asleep at work/school? Physics videos have realllly soothing background music and the people speak in the most monotonous tone evar. I can't not sleep.

37. Been to a club? eh no.

38. Felt an earthquake? Yes! It was right after matty annouced that he had clogged cowan's toilet and everybody went upstairs to go help him... so I thought the earthquake was some crazy plumbing disastor.

39. Touched a snake? eeeheeeheee. I wish.

40. Ran a red light? Probably. I do it a lot on my bike. You know, my bike with no brakes.

41. Been suspended from school? Nada. Though this one time Heather and Suzie and Caitlin and I wrote really dirty poems and pictures on Mr. Hodgson's blackboards after school... then after we left the custodian told the VPs about it and they came in to take pictures (27 8x10 coloured glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one 'splaining what each one was to be used as evidence against us). Anyways when they found out it was us they just told us to apologize to the janitor who said he really didn't care.

42. Had detention? Probably. Grade 7 and 8 at least.

43. Been in a car? I have a sneaking suspicion that I have.
44. Hated the way you look? No. I wish I could, really... because I know from logical deduction that I'm not that good-looking I just can't convince myself.

45. Witnessed a crime? Um, like drugs and downloading music and biking without a helmet. I'm sure I've witnessed more but nothing comes to mind.

46. Been lost? rarely.

47. Been to the opposite side of the country? I went to B.C. last summer. You know that. I miss B.C. and living on beaches with hobos. oh my goodness.

48. Felt like dying from embarrassment? yeaaaah.

49. Cried yourself to sleep? I don't think so. Last time I cried I was like 9.

50. Sang karaoke? fuck yeah. Nick's basement is the best ever.

51. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? Probably. But I generally have more than enough self-control.

52. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose? Yes, it's the only way.

53. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? I think so. it's not all it's cracked up to be.

54. Kissed in the rain? almost definitely. but maybe not.

55. Sung in the shower? a lot. West side story of late.

56. Had a dream that you married someone? While I was in B.C. I had this awesome dream... I dreampt that I was 24 and I had recently been injured and lost all my memories between when I was 16 and 24. so it was like my sixteen-year-old self suddenly thrust eight years in the future and having to learn about my life. Anyways, apparently I had already been married and divorced, and I met me ex-wife (yes, woman, i know, weird.). So even though I had already supposedly married and divorced her I was really seeing her for the first time, and we had this eye-contact thing across a crowded room and I fell in love and it was amazing. I also think it was EllenDevonEllen, which is weird but appropriate.

57. Played getting married? Probably.

58. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? no.

59. Ever gone to school partially nude? No. I wish more people would do that.

60. Been called a whore? I hope so.

61. Sat on a roof top? Cowan's roof is the best roof, but there are others.

62. Didn't take a shower for a week? Yep. It happens.

63. Ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone? I really have never been interested in watching scary movies alone or with people.

64. Played chicken? I don't think so.

65. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Ack. No. and I get really really scared when people threaten to. I can swim peacefully in a lake for 5 hours straight, but the second someone starts pushing people I run and hide.

66. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? Rocky Horror... there were these girls behind me and ben going "oh my god, that guy is SO HOT! Whoah and his friend is too!" I don't know which one us is the friend but yeah.

67. Broken a bone? Left arm twice. Nobody ever remembers... its like a month of my life was erased from everybody else's memories.

68. Been easily amused? my definition.

69. Laugh so hard you cry? Yes, it's fun.

70. Cheated on a test? I honestly don't think I have. Save when Mr. Hodgson or Mrs. Poetschke leave the room and say "HMMMMMM. I guess i'll have to go to the office and leave you all UNSUPERVISED FOR ABOUT FIVE MINUTES. I just KNOW that you won't FEEL FREE TO DISCUSS YOUR ANSWERS." You know how it is.

71. Forgotten someone's name? Yeeeah. I do that too much.

72. Blacked out from drinking? I don't think so, though I have gaps in my memory.

73. Played a prank on someone? Just surprise birthdays and such.

74. Gone to a late night movie? Uh. Probably?

75. Made love to anything not human? Various objects like pillows and plungers. But not very often.

76. Failed a class? If by failed a class you mean gotten below 90% then yes: grade 9 gym.

77. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat? Hm. I don't think so.

78. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours? I'v probably played piano for as much as 6. not 10.

79. Cheated on a girlfriend/boyfriend? No. I may have had cheating thoughts, because I'm an asshole.

80. Did you celebrate the 4th of July? No, I don't think so. Heather and I celebrated Canada Day the night after I arrived in B.C.... we made rice and some crazy soup in our little hidden camp site and walked to the beach and watched fireworks and met a bunch of people and a nice couple.

81. Thrown strange objects? What else would I throw?

82. Felt like being someone else? sometimes it would be nice.

83. Thought about running away? Yes. It's a very scary thought and I don't want it to ever happen. But, y'know, university and such.

84. Ran away? no.

85. Had detention and not attend it? don't think so.

86. Made parents cry? I doubt it, but it's possible.

87. Cried over someone? mmmmno.

88. Owned more than 5 sharpies? no. I suck.

89. Dated someone more than once? Nah.

90. Had a dog? I had someone else's dog who I was in love with when I was 10 and then it died and I was crushed forever.

91. Owned an instrument? Let's see... piano, accordion, harmonicas, range of pennywhistles and recorderse, didgereedoo, guitar, flute, violin. I'll think of more.

92. Been in a band? mm. school.

93. Drank 25 sodas in a day? Almost definitely.

94. Broken a cd? Yes, 'tis pretty.

95. Shot a gun? no.

96. Been on myspace for more than 5 hours? Possibly livejournal.

98. Have a major crush on someone right now? I've lost all sense of what a crush really is. I dunnno.

99. Have a religion? no.

100. Thought about what people would say at your funeral? Kindof, but I'm not terribly concerned.

Holy crap that was long.

Anyways. On the drive home from my piano lesson tonight my mom brought up my gayness again. It's really cute... she's a self-proclaimed hippie, has such liberal views... but she's still prejudiced/uncomfortable with my homosexuality. not in any kind of way that would create tension between us at all, just in kindof an unchangeable pre-conditioning way.

And I'm really glad she's like that. My worst fear about coming out of the closet was that she would over-smother me with "We still love you Ben!" things to the point that it would seem to mean the opposite. This is really comfortable and it gives me room to teach her about things.

I think she just wants grandchildren.
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