Feb 23, 2008 16:36
Monday: Hung out at Intelly all day, slouching over books and studying. I got a lot of free coffee while I was there; afterwards, I went out for drinks with Mr. Smith, who pointed out that my shirt was very very VERY low cut. Hmmm, might be related.
Tuesday-Wednesday: After not being able to go to sleep after drinks (apparently 32 oz of coffee plus two pots of tea will keep you awake despite four gimlets), I flew up to MN for training. I won't go into too many details, but I had a good time. Like I said to GZ later, "Everyone I work with is really smart, and some of them are cool. I'm... so confused."
Thursday-Friday: study, work work work work work, study study study study study. Despair. Despair. Study. Sleep.
Today: Well, looks like I might've passed the damn thing. Preliminary results say yes. Heaven help me, I'm contemplating taking the second exam (Financial Mathematics) in November. Right now, I'm vegetating, and will follow it up by getting ready for the Oscar party. Or napping.
In random other news, I now officially have weekends again. So now, I'm not working seven days a week while studing hours a day for an exam. I must confess, I'm a little at loose ends. What shall my next project be?