May 2015 not suck

Jan 02, 2015 01:47

Need to do quick updates. Don't want to mire people in the TL;DR 9_9

I gave my two weeks notice at the library. Tomorrow's my last day. Not even six months, but it was way too long for my mental well-being.

Angie was every bit the manipulative sack of shit I'd been led to believe.
Mom was bullied out of her job pretty quickly. She'd had an agreement with the previous director that she didn't need formal wear to work in the back, and Angie ignored that and started writing Mom up for raising questioning and calling out her poor management skills wearing jeans (if it wasn't that, she'd find something else). And then the cataloging area got changed around, it seemed, solely to take away all the parts of my job I loved. So, between that, the "trustees" sitting on formal complaint letters instead of following policy and addressing the grievances, the one employee who supported hiring Angie being quickly hired as her number 2 (and showing an ugly tendency to play the blame game and fabricate ways in which she's been victimized. She's turned out to be a real piece of work), and my hatred starting to erode my own integrity, I figured the new year was a good time to bury it. They've shat the bed, and now they will lie in it.

What burns me up most is that we trusted these people. They were our friends when we first came to town, they welcomed us. And now we see the greedy, lazy, nepotistic side and there's nothing we can really do. We've devoted so much time and money to fundraising to helping out the library only to find out that the board will piss it away on their incompetent drinking buddy. So fuck them. No matter what hopes we had for the place, or how much better the kids deserve, they've made it clear that it's no longer my concern.

I've got good experience for my resume now, so I'm going to be sending that out, while I work on writing projects. I did win NaNoWriMo, and got some gems out of that I can polish up and develop. There's one plot niggling kinda based on my experiences.

In other news, I've been throwing myself into the Changeling RPG, seeing new movies and shows, and got a Goodreads account. Let me know if you want to get in contact there.

How're you doing, few people who read this?

library politics and ethics, life

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