Blue Skies (of pre-dawn)

Jun 03, 2012 04:54

Um. Happy June, all.
Or at last it's a happier June so far than last year. Friday was the one-year anniversary of the tornado. The governor came to town and, before the big ceremony downtown, managed to stop by the local library for a little while, to get a tour from the little kids and hear about their experiences during the tornado. It was also a beautiful day, to counterbalance. It was a sweet ceremony all around.

So, June. Thinking about trying that thing I did in February (and utterly failed to do in March) again. One post a day, or every few days, and since I started on the 3rd, we can tell this will go swimmingly.
I've been keeping myself busy since Conbust (which was awesome). I helped GM Elysium, which at least had a fun finale; I saw my friends graduate with Jane Lynch as the speaker; saw the Avengers twice, it was GLORIOUS I want to write more later; I said Yes I would go to my friend's wedding :D
I've been slowly organizing all of my photos; eventually I plan to gather the important ones and share them on facebook. I've also been improving in my art class, and am now working on a personal project starring my Changeling character Rozer. My medication seems to be working. I've been dreaming much, much more vividly lately, and actually remembering the dreams (and nightmares). I'm also gathering up all the written data I can on my various characters and hammering them into linear documents/guidelines for me to remember details and such. Writing takes planning, whoda thunk ^^ Hoping to get some scenes/projects off the ground soon.
And of course I've been adding details to Elysium, too.
BTW, TextsFromLastNight, applied to RPG characters is a damn fun game. Same with applying TvTropes or songs to them, and occasionally you run across things that really speak of a character in a way you hadn't considered, and inspire more background for that character.

In that vein, I want to try writing projects to develop World of Darkness characters. There are a couple memes I've seen floating around, the Tumblr Headcanon Meme, the Other Headcanon Meme, the Arbitrary Snippets of All Your WIPs Meme (which I really should try to do one of these days)... I think I'd like to try the 100 Things Challenge, but instead of something like Good Books, do something like 100 Character Details or 100 Things I've Discovered About This or That OPC. I have a lot of characters in this universe I'd like to flesh out, plus I came to the realization that this universe I'm working in, based on the RPG World of Darkness, has a lot in common with a story I wrote played out in my head back when I was 11-14. So now maybe it'd be fun to take those dozen-and-a-half characters and toss them into the mix as well, or just flesh out their character interactions through little scenes and details. It's a thought :)

Also have job search, getting ready for wedding, sending emails to people I met at Conbust, working on resume, getting my stuff back from people, making sure I don't overdraft my back account again... getting on a decent sleep schedule...
Kittens and rainbows.

I think I can post photos here? If so I might post my WIP of Rozer, 'cause that is getting interesting.
Talk after sleep. Jaa ^_^

game:wod, writing, life, meme

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