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Feb 09, 2007 11:26

I feel like it's been a total 360 turn-around from last semester.
I have been in a non-stop good mood for the past 2 weeks and I have the best friends and a boy to thank for that.
I signed a lease for an apartment for next year a couple weeks ago and I'm so freaking excited. It was so spur of the moment to sign the lease....we went to tour the model fell in love and was like that's it....we're all living together and we're living here! Since then its been cocktails and ridiculous amounts of food at my place every weekend and ridiculously long conversations about everything and nothing. And I'm so glad I found girls here to be friends with.

And then there's boy. I swear it's possibly been one of the most f-ed up journeys ive ever taken with a boy but so far its proving promising. and for once, I, Leah Norris, have a guy that's there for me. And he's fucking beautiful. yessir, i stole him right from under the University of Florida's black communities' noses.

Things are so great.
And I'll be home for a day this weekend which will be so perfect.
Then back to Gville....Valentine's day...which I'm still not sure what's happening....then Florida International Step Show 2007! I'm so excited for step show weekend! And to cap step show weekend off.....informational meeting for a sorority I'm interested in.

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