signs (by the roadway, of the placard variety)

Aug 25, 2009 15:14

the other day i saw a man by the side of soldier's field road with a sign that said "I need a miracle now."  I thought a few things: 1) "Well, who does't?"  2) 'aren't miracles godly or done by god or miraculous?  why is he asking us later-commute drivers?'  3) "what defines a miracle?" 4) "i'm tempted to stop.  oops!  there's the turn for storrow drive.  rats, why do vans always try and merge INTO me?! stupid traffic."

TI can understand people with signs asking for concrete thigns: pennies, food, clothes, alcohol.  I can't understand this miracle thing.  Does he want us to pray for him?  or to actually make the miracle happen?  i'm not much of an expert on this but i feel if you're going to ask for something from passing cars on the side of the road then your sign better be as specific as possible.

in addition, my summer has devolved into statements and questions like these: "i'm going to go finger the seats."  or "have you fingered all the seats today?"  fun with broken planetarium humor.

back to school soon:  i feel both liberated and terrified to have my own classroom.  Since january of 08 i've been working in someone else's classroom... or even longer if you count all my years as assistant!  this will be a new experience.

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