Arashi drabbles

May 18, 2010 21:51

Title: Drabbles
Pairing: Sakuraiba
Rating: G to R
Genre: AU
Word Count: 6x100
Disclaimer: Don't own, all fiction.
Summary: "Time only knows"
A/N: This is a series of drabbles based on laurachan2 's pictale, Time only knows. All AU settings which will make more sense if you'll kindly take a look at the post first.

‘Cause I don’t shine if you don’t shine

Aiba stuffed everything into his bag as quietly as he could. Sho was still slumbering next to him and he was doing his best not to wake Sho up, not to let the tears fall. The future, he didn’t care. He just wanted to get far, far away. In time maybe he himself would be hunted down, but in time was not now.

He holstered his gun and tossed on his overcoat, taking one last look at Sho’s face before quickly turning away and picking up his bag.

A hand landed on his arm.

“If you’re going, I’m going too.”

Coffee, tea, or me

“…and that’s the whole list of your duties. Any questions, girl?"

“No, ’Mdm. Well…may I ask, what is our Master like? I hear Lord Sakurai is a perfect gentlemen, unlike many others. They say he is worldly and wise and respectable, and would never behave inappropriately with the ladies, including the servants.”

“You’re new around here but you seemed to have heard quite a bit haven’t you. I daresay that is correct. You have nothing to worry about regarding that...”

“I am delighted to hear that-"

“…because the Master has no interest in anyone else except his beloved butler Aiba.”

Very elementary
"My dear Sakurai, your shoes are muddy even though it's not raining, and the mud appears to be from the fields on the other side of town. Incidentally the the most direct route to the nearest shop selling my favourite tobacco would take one across the fields. This morning I distinctively remember having mused aloud I have no more tobacco left, yet in the evening I was able to smoke my pipe as usual.

Therefore, I conclude that you've taken a fancy to me, Sakurai, to get up to such shenanigans on my behalf."

Sakurai spluttered, red-faced.

Aiba smiled. "Elementary."

That tonight’s gonna be a good good night

“Lift your hips a little higher, Masaki,” Sho purred into Masaki’s ear, taking his time to trace the curve with his tongue lightly.

Masaki bit down on his lip, but obeyed immediately, fisting the silk bed covers, wrists restrained by his own cravat.

Sho bit down on Masaki’s shoulder, right on his intricate birthmark, drawing a desperate gasp from him.

“That’s a good lad,” Sho smoothed his palm down Masaki’s inner thigh, feeling a shiver run through his body.

“Please,” Masaki pleaded, voice wavering, head lowered, eyes squeezed shut, sweat trickling down his neck.

“Please what, darling?” Sho drawled wickedly.

Come with me

He has had more than his fair share of fair maidens, young lads, bewitching vixens, strapping hunks. Some blood sweeter than others, some necks more alluring than others. All are helpless against his charms, wiles, and that is his power and reputation, his control. They hear of his name from far and wide, and tremble.

There is only one he is weak against: the one who sired him. There is no blood sweeter than that he tasted the night he was turned, intoxication running through his veins, instant addiction.

“That was consummated beautifully, Sho-chan. Now you may feed from me.”

Can you read my mind

Dear Sho,

I have to tell you something.

I'm actually a secret agent.

Sorry for keeping that from you for so long, I didn't mean to deceive you.

But it might be dangerous if you knew; I just wanted to protect you.

Love, Aiba.

Dear Aiba,

I have to tell you something too.

I'm actually a secret agent too.

You've been a great undercover so far, but.

The agency’s a bit worried, and sent more backup to protect you.

That's all, please don't be offended.

But falling for you, that wasn't part of the mission, just me.

Love you,


arashi fic, drabbles, sakuraiba

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