My pet's pet

May 03, 2010 00:29

This is something I scribbled out in 20 minutes because I was so bored of studying Facilitating Change in Addictive Behaviours.
Sakuraiba, because talk about addictions...

Aiba is very good with the dog in their photoshoot, and he couldn't help being reminded of how that was the way Aiba used to play with his dog. Aiba looks happy. Open.

On impulse he blurts out, let's get a dog!

Aiba doesn't say anything, keeps rubbing the dog affectionately (lucky dog, he thinks). He scratches his head.

It isn't right to get a dog when we can't devote enough time to him, Aiba murmurs, but his eyes are warm.

He wondered if Aiba was lonely when he had to leave his dogs behind to move to Tokyo. He especially remembers the huge white shaggy monster, Atom, who was actually very gentle, and fiercely protective of his owner.

He will not forget the day Aiba called him up, asked him mysteriously if Sho-chan could spend the day with him. He said yes, but why, baffled.

Aiba ignored the question. See you then.

They went shopping and Aiba insisted on picking out a new outfit for him (that's called coordinating, Sho-chan), checked out DVDs at the music store (Sho-chan, watch this, it's good), went for yakiniku (I'm ordering the most expensive food and Sho-chan's paying!), finally ending up in a small, chic, quiet pub.

He only waited patiently.

Aiba got drunk and cried all over his shoulder. He carried him back to his apartment and spent the night there.

He found out a few days later Atom had died.

He knows it's summer when Aiba's hair is grown out and golden and curled when most people would hack their hair off.

Like a golden cocker spaniel. He runs his fingers through the fluff, fingers snagging on curls. He runs his fingers through again and again, amusing himself.

Aiba is all sprawled out on his living room floor, sticking his tongue out like a dog.

He drops an ice cube on Aiba's tongue.

Aiba pants, I'm sweating like a dog.

My dog, he thinks. It would be too much of a hassle taking care of two dogs at once, I should just focus my attention on one, he says.

Aiba smiles like he knows everything.

I might write a series of loosely connected drabbles ficlets. After exams. I have to keep telling myself that. But it's just I've had this idea floating around in my head for a long time and I just couldn't execute it, not till I'm in the mid of studying. Of course. Going back to my books now...

drabbles, ideas, sakuraiba

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