Why should anyone else get to be safe?

Sep 16, 2006 21:52

Who: Miniyal and Naros
Where: Living Cavern, HRW
When: 21:48 on day 6, month 6, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.
What: Niya has a chance encounter and uses it to her advantage.

Niya bonds quickly it seems. The things a woman will do for love. Or like. Or whatever sick emotion it is that binds her and G'thon together. Nothing like life and death politics to make a girl start figuring out what her assets are and take advantage of them.

At High Reaches Weyr, it is 21:48 on day 6, month 6, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.

It's very nearly ten and the living cavern has few people in it. A small table by the kitchen door has a group of late workers getting an evening meal. As usual there's noise and heat from the kitchens regardless of the time. Other than this there's, well, not really anyone about. A drudge sweeps up the floor, but spends more time sneaking breaks than anything else.

Oh, and there's a former head of records seated by a fire. There's no one close by she is talking to and she appears to be working on something other than a map between sips of something. There's no steam from her cup anyway.

Naros eases his way into the cavern, he smells lightly of fire and the various other sundry scents of the forge. A light sweat, while not stinky he probably needs a bath soon. Still Naros has a faintly smug and pleased look to his features. He does have some papers though looking for a seat to take before going into them. His eyes flicker around for a few moments and noting an open one near the fire picks his way there. En route he gathers some Klah and settles into his seat. He clears his throat and offers a polite, "Good Evening." Towards the former head of records and the other nearby occupant as he places his stack of papers down and takes the first to study.

Miniyal blinks and lifts her head at the words and then scowls briefly. Person she does not know. Whatever exactly is she doing in public anyway considering she just tries to scowl people away from her? Well, who knows. Nodding her head once she mumbles, "Evening." Then up comes the cup and a drink is taken from it before she returns to, what is she doing? Ah, sewing.

Naros blinks at the scowl. He pauses for a moment and shrugs as he starts to read the paper over, finishing it in a few moments and glancing to Miniyal again carefully. He blinks as the activity is identified and he looks curiously to try and make out what she's sewing. His hand reaching for his mug to take a sip as well while he looks on curiously.

It's terribly exciting! Needle goes in, needle goes out. Needle goes in. Needle goes out. Miniyal has a ribbon about one inch wide that she's embroidering with lines of assorted colors of thread. Sort of like a brick wall of mismatched colors.

Naros watches for a few moments before finally the curiosity gets the best of him. He leans forward a bit more indecently and then asks curiously even if he can tell what it is he can't tell what it's for, "Aherm. What are you making?" He asks curiously lifting his second page.

Miniyal blinks at the question and sets her needle down atop her ribbon. Shrugging her shoulders she fingers the ribbon. "It's a bracelet. Thing. For around the wrist. Just a pattern. For a friend. It's nothing." Yes, see? Nothing.

Naros ahs and nods, "A bracelet then. Aren't bracelet's usually metal? That seems to make more sense it would last longer... more expensive though. Hmmm I suppose the best might be a mix of the two, the metal to keep shape and ornament the cloth could be colored though." He looks thoughtful at this and curious his mind devolving into the idea. He pauses and then offers distractedly, "Is it a popular item?"

Miniyal shrugs again, it's her best gesture, really. "I don't see why they can't be made of ribbons. Sometimes I use a bit of wire to hold them if I am doing something complicated. But, why make it more complicated than I have to." Holding the bracelet between two fingers she gives another shrug. "This doesn't take as long. And anyone who wants one can get one. Umm. I'm not sure. I mostly do them as gifts. It's not, well, you know. I don't really do it to make marks."

Naros ahs and mms, "Wire. Very difficult to make, but rather useful. I suppose coming up with a better way for that would be useful." He turns to study her item and shrugs, "Well it's only complicated until you've found a simple way of doing them." He nods, "You just do it to create oh that I certainly understand."

"Well, it passes the time," Miniyal answers. Without a shrug. Which should be noted only because she's been doing a lot of it. "Every now and then you can get your hands on some wire like stuff." She has her ways. "Anyway, I like the ribbons. And if they wear out and someone needs to replace one that they paid for I don't see where it hurts me to make another and make another mark or two." Peering over at the chatty one she asks, "Do I know you?"

Naros nods, "I suppose it does. I'm sure sewing is like smithing, once you get into the routine very soothing since it takes up all your concentration." He blinks and pauses at that, "I came to the records hall a day or two after I'd arrived here. You had helped me." He admits looking faintly embarassed at being forgotten.

Miniyal blinks a few times and then nods once. "Ah. Of course. Lots of people have come to see me. And I am terrible with names." Especially of caucus students who are a waste of space. But she's much too polite to say that. Way too polite. "I assure you, it is entirely my own fault." There is a pause and then she asks, "Your name was?"

Naros nods, "Of course. You must have been kept very busy. I was sorry to hear that you had... aherm retired?" He shrugs and then offers, "Naros... of Graystones Hold."

Miniyal laughs quietly, nearly silently even in the silence of the room. "I resigned. I didn't feel I was the one best suited to the job. I had not when it was offered to me, but my words fell on deaf ears. This time I took my words to new ears. It's not anything odd or worthy of note why I quit." In case he is gossip fishing. "Ah, Naros. Of course."

Naros grins, "Of course. I'm sure you still don't recognize me. Well that's unfortunate, that you didn't feel you were qualified. I rather preferred having someone I knew at least somewhat in the position. I'll have to make friends with the new one I suppose. Most people stare at me strangely when I bring up what I'm looking into."

Miniyal blinks again and picks up her cup for a drink as her sewing rests forgotten in her lap. "Oh, I'm sure you'll get along well with the new head of records. His name is Navan. He's been working there longer than I've been alive." A pause and she smiles behind her cup. "I think he'll be able to help you at least as good as I could. He taught me everything I know. He's my father."

Naros blinks at that, "Oh... Oh? Well. That's.... convenient. So then what are your plans for the future now that you've resigned?"

Miniyal sets her cup back down on the table she sits by and grins faintly, just for a second. "I thought he should have it a long time ago. Others were offered as well, but the Headwoman picked him." At the question she lets out a sigh, sounding exasperated over it. "I promise, when I know I will make sure everyone knows. Really." Meaning, she has no clue.

Naros mms at that his lips pursing slightly then shrugs, "Well I'm sure you're very happy for him. I'll look forward to working for him. And I'm sure it won't hurt me getting results any quicker if I try and tell him you're a friend. At least you know my name hmm?" He jokes with a hearty and rather loud laugh. He coughs and nods, "Well fair enough." He grins faintly, "Well I assume you probably get speeches on the subject often so I shall bite my tongue and avoid giving advice. But I hope you appreciate that and understand it's very difficult."

Miniyal's head tilts to one side and she looks at Naros thoughtfully. "Smith, right? You're always doing weird things. I might possibly let my father know to be extra helpful to you." There is a significant pause and then she smiles ever so slightly. "We could come to a deal I imagine. As for lecturing me, you don't look as if you were even alive when I was born so you can keep those thoughts to yourself, thank you."

Naros laughs again brightly, "As if something as pety as my youth has ever stopped me from speaking when I thought I knew something proper." He offers wryly, "Well thank you, that would be a good deal useful and I'm sure a very... rewarding deal." He does harrumph, "I don't do /weird/ things. I choose fields of particular 'interest' that might be considered.... out of the usual... purview." He grumps though chuckling again loudly.

Miniyal rolls her eyes, another expression she's mastered over the turns. "Well, keep in mind I'm grumpy and don't need kids telling me what to do." Well, blunt anyway. "And, right. Not weird. So, tell me something, Naros. I need something done. I was wondering if maybe you could help me with it. It's. . .secret. And if you could actually do what I need I could offer some payment."

Naros blinks at this curiously. He does look faintly amused at the eye roll. He leans forward and frowns, "Well... a few extra marks on the side like you said never harmed anyone." His nose wrinkles faintly, "Now I'm curious. I'm sure I could offer some insight on it. But I'd have to know what it is to know if I could do it or at least attempt it." He's looking curious and curiosity is certainly something he has.

Miniyal is not good at being sneaky at all, but she seems willing to give it a shot. "I need something. . .to secure a room. You know how dangerous things are about here, yes?" Her voice lowers at this and she glances about. "I've a friend who I fear is in danger and I thought, if there were some way so that if someone tried to force their way in they might get hurt instead. Not, seriously hurt. A knock on the head or something minor. Just something to keep them from harming someone."

Naros blinks at that, "A trap? Oh! Marvelous. Yes Yes, certainly I can think of several pulley systems that might be useful to cause a distraction to would-be enterer, and more so that would wake up someone sleeping inside. Would they want to be able to disable it from the outside as well? That would be more difficult."

Miniyal doesn't answer as the sweeping drudge wanders by and she waits til the man is out of earshot to answer. "Well, it would not be good if they got hurt themselves. And, well, speed is more important on this project than, well, being overly clever. I mean, I want it to work, but. . .well, the sooner the better, you understand? And any research you do, I'd ask you only seek assistance from myself and from my father."

Naros inclines his head, "Of course. Well I don't think that I'd need too much help. Just people to help me practice it. I might have to borrow some stoneworking tools. After all I'd have to have a way to install the pully. But I could do something makeshift. Hmmm what would be more useful, something that swings or something that falls. Swinging I imagine, much more likely to strike someone coming in. Hmmm. And I'll need weights of course. But if it swings it might go too high or low. Well unless it swung low to the ground. Then even if they jumped might tangle them in the rope. Ah perhaps having three ropes." He goes on to himself for the most part going over the idea in his mind.

Miniyal listens as he goes on, glancing around to make sure no one else is too close to hear. "Yes, well, the simpler the better I think. I could find a spot for you to practice on where no one would know. But, as I said, the sooner the better. I can maybe add a mark to the price I could offer if you had it to me in a sevenday. So long as it worked."

Naros nods quietly, "Let me know where I can test it, and then let me know where you want it. I can try and do that certainly." He says brightly eyes twinkling at the idea. "Just one more 'weird' idea for me hmm?"

Miniyal rubs at her eyes and then nods. "I'll send you a note tomorrow with a location." Biting her lip she glances around once more. "It's for the former weyrleader's room. But if you repeat that to anyone I swear I will make sure the records room /never/ has what you seek." Ohhh. She could do it too.

Naros inclines his head, "He blinks several times curiously, "Mmm? Alright." He says and shrugs, "I'll look forward to testing it out." The fact that it's for the ex-weyrleader's room not particularly troubling or concerned just one more fact to take in he offers, "I may need to see the room to prepare what items I will need just for the layout."

Miniyal nods once and takes up her sewing again so she can fiddle with the needle and thread and not be at loose ends with her hands. "Of course. I can arrange that. I need a day or two, but I can arrange it." Somehow. Well, details can be worked out later. "Mostly, we need to keep this quiet. The effect is ruined if someone is planning something and they don't even consider his room, but try to get him outside it. It's a long shot they'd go to his room, but. . well, one safe place. Seems reasonable."

Naros nods quietly, "Better safe than sorry. I won't tell anyone. I'm sure I can explain it as a course study on pendulum effects." He offers and shrugs, "Mmm just let me know when and where. Preferably early afternoon or late evenings. I'm usually in the forges or classes early. But I can arrange my sechedule if I have a bit of notice." It's quite clear that the immediate usefulness of the item is less important than the opportunity to make a trap.

"Late evening will be fine," Miniyal says with a nod and a brief smile. "Thank you very much. I truly appreciate this. I wish I could give you more than what I can, but I hope the experience more than makes up for it, yes? And I would owe you a favor."

Naros inclines his head, "It should be interesting." He waves his hand, "The important part is that it cover any materials needed. I don't have too many expenditures other than my side projects and the only really costly bits are rope fabrics and mined ores and stones of proper caliber." He admits cheerfully.

Miniyal doesn't seem to be concentrating too hard on her work, but does continue to randomly embroider because it beats sitting there doing nothing. "Well, try not to make it too noticeable or something. Something small would be good. Perhaps concealed as something else?"

Naros nods solemnly, "Well from what I am contemplating when it is... not in use it could be concealed easily as an ornament. When it's in use it might be harder... although perhaps not as hard if I use some wire for the trigger." He tilts his head to the side then thoughtfully.

Miniyal reaches for her cup and finishes whatever it was she was drinking, leaving said empty cup on the table and giving it a push away from her. "That's perfect. I truly appreciate this. These are tough times and all. We should be doing what we can to look out for one another."

Naros inclines his head, "Well everyone likes to be safe. Perhaps if I make this and it DOES come in useful... it might be something that becomes more popular. Or if they have other acquaintances with similar concerns." He shrugs, "It'll be interesting. Traps are a rather savage work but quite challenging."

"I really don't know much about them. I'm afraid it's all too technical for me and such." Miniyal shrugs her shoulders and wrinkles her nose. "But, it's good to know someone is proficient. Well, then. So long as you try to keep your experimentation as secret as possible we can simply, if anyone does notice you at the ex-weyrleader's room, tell them I've commissioned a small turnday gift for him."

Naros inclines his head, "That makes sense. Hmmm I can always tell them the truth. That I'm designing a piece of ornamentation to be built there." He pauses, "Perhaps one of those glow orb holders I could disguise it as."

Miniyal smiles again for a second or two. "Just be careful. As I've been told, there's those who do not look fondly on him and his associates. And I suppose there's no denying I'm, somewhat associated with him these days." Yes, that's how to put it. Ahem. Look! Sewing.

Naros shrugs his shoulders apparantly not noticing the embarassment at the admission. "Hmm? Is that so? I don't really follow those things. The Caucus and the weyrfolk except for those that are both don't mix entirely so much."

Miniyal blinks a few times and peers curiously at Naros. "I believe even those in the caucus have heard about the people attacked and sent to the infirmary. And the one found dead. . .well, it's not cheery talk, is it?"

Naros hmms, "It's not cheery, but it's also not that big of a deal. Most people talk about it in hissed voices. But I mean it isn't like people have a reason to want to attack /me/. And besides in case you hadn't noticed I'm not exactly someone most people gossip with. Well unless it involves the latest attempts of metallurgic treatments."

Miniyal's shoulders lift in another shrug. "Yes, well, I only felt it fair to warn you. If troubles comes merely say I pressed you into service." A nod at that and another flicker of a little smile. "As for gossip, Naros?" See, she remembers his name! "One doesn't have to have it spoken to them to hear it."

Naros inclines his head, "Well I suppose so. But I'll say I just don't particularly care to listen for it either. Well I can take care of myself somewhat." He glances to his arms which are not exactly tiny, "But I will... do my best to keep an eye on things. Thank you for the warning."

Miniyal begins to gather up her things, another glance around, casual. She doesn't like people so of course she tries to make sure none are too close. It has nothing to do with the conversation. "I appreciate your help. It was quite fortuitous that we ran into each other. I will send word tomorrow on where you can test your contraption. And the records room is yours to use in this project however you need." She is not selling out her baby for a man she is not even sure she likes. Really. She is just, experimenting.

Naros inclines his head, "Well it's a small weyr sometimes." He nods, "Thank you. I'll be in touch then if anything comes up that I need or something that we didn't cover. Otherwise.... until next time." He offers with one of his easy placid smiles, "Should be a good challenge. Take care and good luck on finishing the bracelet."

Miniyal glances at her bracelet as if she's forgotten it and then smiles as she runs her fingers over it. "Thank you. I think it will be a most useful addition. If you come up with a list of supplies bring it to me. I have contacts who are quite good at arranging delivery at bargain prices." More blackmail. Wait, it's not blackmail! "Good evening." She holds her things in one hand and heads off. Possibly to convince someone to let her do as she pleases in his room. Or to figure out how to do it without his permission. Men. . .Like they know what is best.

naros, miniyal

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