People and their crutches

Sep 16, 2006 06:09

Who: Shanti and Zoma
What: Avoiding work or just taking a break from work leaves time for conversation.

Many, many, many thanks to Shanti for Zoma's first appearance on grid! I hate first scenes, but she sure didn't make it hard. Zoma is, clearly, much more social than Niya. But just as odd. ;)


On the exiles' island, it is 10:43 on day 4, month 6, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.

The morning cool is giving way to a more humid heat. It's the time of day most people decide to take a break from their work. Because, really, why put yourself out? Zoma is the sort of woman who's never put herself out. For work anyway. Which is why she's reclining in a patch of shade and pretending to be busy. Well, she's not pretending that hard. Sure, she could be doing something useful with an old deck of cards, but it's highly unlikely, isn't it?

Out of the large cavern at the cliff's base comes Shanti. She's looking tired already, the morning's activities having apparently drained her. She strolls away from the cliffs, unconciously towards the person slacking in the shade. As she approaches, she properly notices the other woman, and offers a smile of greeting. "Morning, there." She offers to Zoma. "Going to be muggy again today, worst part of this season." Is a neutral conversation starter.

Zoma lifts her head from laying out a deck of cards in one of many new patterns she's come up with over the turns to take into account lost and missing cards. It's a weak excuse for a deck, but for solitaire she seems willing to make do. "Gah. You'd think you'd get used to it, yea?" Shaking her head she lets out a sigh and squints up at Shanti, trying to place her. Not like you can't not know who people are. Still, doesn't mean you have to remember em all.

A snort. "Don't think I ever will, dunno. Not a big fan of hot, but nothing to be done for it, so." A shrug, and Shanti offers a slight smile at the curious look she gets. "Shanti, and you are... Starts with a Z, seen you around a few times." A shrug. "Not like we don't see /everyone/ around."

"Suppose it beats too many new faces. Never know what those sort are like. Criminals and the like." Shaking her head, Zoma grins. "Zoma, yea. You hiding out from the work crews of doom? I swear they think we should be work, work, work all the time." Shaking her head she glances around and then laughs. "Like it makes a difference."

Shanti snorts softly, coming to kneel near her. "Worked this morning. Gotta get out very aerly, while the fish are active, if we want to get enough to get through the day. Now, as it gets hot, even the fish stop, and you don't catch a thing until close to dusk, so why waste the time?"

Zoma gathers up her cards into a pile and tucks them under one foot so they don't get blown away. "Faster the work gets done the faster I can do what needs doing that is more important." Like sit in the shade and play cards, clearly. "Don't do the fishing. Not since I nearly drowned when we first got here. Figure someone else can do that."

Shanti snorts, softly. "S'fine, we all have our roles. I like it, but don't much like herding animals, so i leave that to other people too. It's all a balance." Down onto her butt. "So whatcha playing, with the cards? Anything interesting?"

"Gotta make do with what I have," Zoma answers as she reaches for the cards again and deftly shuffles them. "Hard to play most games what with having lost part of the deck, yea? Lots of solitaire really these days."

Shanti makes a face. "Yeah. Not like we can get a new one out here or anything, you know? Kinda sucks, that." She watches the hands curiously as they shuffle up the cards. "Always been interested in the games people play with them, though, poker and whatnot. It's amazing to see how into it some people can get, when they indulge in it."

Zoma shuffles the cards again, playing with them in her hands like someone who has had /lots/ of practice. "Some people get all carried away. Think cards mean life. Me? I just think they are a way to alleviate some of the boredom. Gotta keep the mind focused and sharp and all that, yea? Those too into it are the ones most easily taken in a game."

Shanti snorts, softly. "That seems true enough, and there's little enough we have here without giving it away to others over some markings on cards. I do admit,t here's a little thrill in putting something precious up against someone els'es treasure, and seeing who comes out on top, but when you lose, you lose." She looks over at Zoma for a moment, "You mentioned criminals. You mean those new people the other day? Katric, I think his name is? And his friend?"

Zoma nods her head and starts to lay out her cards, pausing when a voice comes up from below. "Shells," she mutters, rising fluidly to her feet. "Nice ta see you again, Shanti. Gotta run and avoid seeing a man about a canine." Tucking her cards away, now that her clothes leave much room for that, she saunters off at a brisk pace, disappearing before a florid faced older man comes into view.

zoma, shanti

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