A wager made

Sep 06, 2006 08:47

Who: Miniyal and N'ka
Where: Records Room, HRW
When: 00:08 on day 13, month 5, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.
What: N'ka comes to return a record and winds up wagering.

This is what a little over 10 turns of knowing Niya will get you. Some sort of odd friendship. :) Patience is a virtue. Or something


At High Reaches Weyr, it is 00:08 on day 13, month 5, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.

Late as it might be, there are some folk still running around on errands. The commotion of the Hatching Sands seems not to have affected him, for here is N'ka, waltzing into the Records Room as if he owned the place. However, that confidence lasts until he reaches the center of the room, and then he's halted. He squints in the dim like, and spins in a small circle. "Where's that basket..." he asks aloud.

A few people linger in here, many of them whispering about this or that. Mostly, they seem to be drifting out as the buzz of something happening spreads and no one wants to miss out things by being hidden away in here. Other than Miniyal, of course, who is quite happy to be hidden away in here. She's up and about right now, checking over the shelves with the book used to see who has what in her hands. Seems she's checking to insure that the book is accurate. As she passes by she notices someone else come in and the lost air about him. "Thought it was your dragon who had a shoddy memory?" she says in passing.

"My memory's just fine," N'ka replies cheerfully, grinning. He holds out the hide. "First time /returning/ a hide, Miniyal. Can't expect me to know where something is if I never use it." He waves the hide, and then tucks it back under his arm. "Where's the basket?"

"If you knew about the basket you should have known where it was. Never take something unless you're sure you can put it back," Miniyal replies with almost a grin. Stepping over she holds out her hand. "I'm checking things. Got the book right here so you may as well hand it over." Setting said book on a table by her so she doesn't have to juggle more than one thing she shrugs. "Or the basket is by the door. It's the one with the glows nearby and the sign marked 'return'."

N'ka peers towards the indicated basket, and shrugs. "Well. That makes sense." He hands the hide over to Miniyal, however, and grins. "And I'm sure I could find where it goes. It goes on a shelf. Does it matter that much which one it is?" He surveys the room again, and shakes his head. "Can't tell me you know where every hide in the Weyr is supposed to go."

Miniyal takes the hide, adding a glare to go along with the gesture. "Of course it sharding matters! What are you. . ." Shaking her head she checks the hide and then reaches for a nearby pen left earlier. Once she's checked the hide in she nods her head. "Of course I do. Maybe not exactly, but I know every shelf here and the subjects. So, easy to find a specific one."

N'ka inclines his head, ignoring the glare. He just grins, in a rather jovial mood for the late hour. "Well. Then it's a good thing you're the Head of Records, and not me. I'd just toss them anywhere." Now he's teasing. "Speaking of specific hides.. do you have to read them all? History, geography..." He looks ready to prattle on, but stops and pokes at a nearby shelf.

Checking in the hide, it is then bustled back to its correct spot. Miniyal listens to the prattle, not paying it much mind as she replaces what was borrowed. Once it is in place she looks over her shoulder and sighs. Drat. He's still here. Heading back to where her record is she shakes her head. "No, I do not /have/ to read them all. I've read a fair number of them. I don't see why you wouldn't want to read them."

N'ka follows her like a lost puppy. A curious lost puppy. He doesn't seem to get the hint that he's being a bother.. or maybe he does. He is grinning widly... "Well, I don't have as much time as you would.. drills, and Threadfall.. but I have to say, that hide on drills was rather informative. I might become a regular visitor. Any particularily fascinating ones?"

Miniyal takes up her book then and moves to a shelf. If he's going to bother it won't stop her from her work. "You've plenty of time, you just choose to use it for other things. Plenty of riders are well read. You just don't care to be. But, you're just not ever going be that sort of person so it doesn't matter." Shaking her head at this waste of potential, or whatever, she checks another note in her book.

"Sure. Cause you know what kind of person I am, hm?" N'ka asks pleasantly, wandering behind her once more. He pulls a random hide from the shelf, peeks at it, and then carefully stows it back where it belongs. "Really, though. Busy life. Drills, sweeps, 'Fall... But if you point out something that might appeal to me, I'll make it a point to read it."

"Never claimed to know you. Not ever said I wanted to either," Miniyal says with a shrug and a look over her shoulder. He better have put it back right! "Besides, you like to make assumptions. My turn." Looking back at her book she shakes her head. "I'd recommend something about stupid people. Because you might be able to follow it if you read slow." Shaking her head she hides her grin by turning her back and checking another note in the book against what is on the shelf.

N'ka shrugs, his hands folding across his chest to keep his curious fingers at bay. "Well. If I can fine one, I'l be sure to glance it over." A pause, a small grin, and then, "Perhapes you should check out the ones on lost, lonely Records girls? Might give you the key to being happy." Not the best come back, but it's late. He grins, and there go his hands again. He slips over to a shelf, and pulls out another hide. "Oo, nice map!" he comments, unrolling enough to see the beginnings of it, before carefully rolling and stowing it away.

Miniyal's eyes narrow before she spins around to face him, remaining in that set as she takes a deep breath. When she lets it out she's at least a little calmer internally. "I have /never/ been lost. Ever. So you just shut up. I could go anywhere in this weyr and not be lost. Unlike you." So, ha! Take that for a comeback. Or something. "And all the maps are at least nice if not better. Mine are better."

N'ka grins, a sly sort of look as he comes back to where Miniyal is standing. "Is that a challenge? I grew up here same as you. I probably roamed those caverns hundreds of times in my youth. I'll bet you..." he paused, a hand going to his chin. "I'll bet you a half mark I could map you the lower caverns tunnels to near Harper accuracy." His hand drops, and a raised eyebrow awaits her responce, if there is one. "Give me a sevenday, though. Since, you know... busy life."

Miniyal tilts her head to one side. "Oh. All the tunnels?" she asks with a sly grin. Because she always knows a secret one or two that no one else does. It's part of the whole creepy darkness persona she cultivates. Ok, well, not cultivate. "And, a sevenday? I suppose in that length of time even /you/ could come up with a passable map. If I were lenient on things."

"Passable?" N'ka responds, his raise eyebrow taking on a skeptical note. "Heh. I'll have you a decent map. And yes. The lower caverns tunnels. We're not counting the ones too small for human passage, however," he adds, holding out a hand. "But, the unused ones, sure. I'll draw it, and slip it into that nice little Return basket you've got. Hm? What do I get if I win?"

"Thought you said a half mark?" Miniyal asks with a faint smile. "Or do you not have the marks? Spending them on someone?" Shaking her head she tilts it to one side and then laughs for a fleeting second. "I'm not paying anything other than what you do. I've plenty of marks to my name, but adding to the pile from you won't hurt me none either. All the tunnels other than the ones too small for human passage. Sure. And I have to agree it is accurate. Like I said. I'll go easy on you."

N'ka pauses, frowns, and nods. "Right, half mark... but that's not very interesting. Meh. Too late to debate details. Half a mark for a passable map." He grins, and shrugs again, adding, "And, as a matter of fact, yes. I am spending them on someone. Better to do that, than to hoard them myself. What do I need them for?" He peers towards another shelve of hides. "Go to bed, Miniyal. It's past midnight." Advice he should take? Stiffling a yawn, the brownrider leans casually against anything that looks strong enough to support him. "You work too much."

Miniyal looks at the shelf she's standing in front of and shrugs. "Don't make deals unless you have the details down. And I don't hoard. I'm saving up for something is all." A shake of her head and she turns to go return the book to where it is stored. "No one died and made you the boss of me," she replies to the bed comment. Still, with nothing else to do she may as well. "A sevenday. I'll remember. And you better have my mark for me. Nothing like free spending capital." With a last look around she heads for the exit. Not because he said so. Because she wants to. Yea. Bah. Friends.
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