Breaking up the day

Sep 06, 2006 08:40

Who: Aida, Essdara, Miniyal, Natain, Tavaly
Where: Records Room, HRW
When: afternoon on day 6, month 5, turn 2 of the 7th Pass
What: A troop invades, but leaves just Aida in the end to hunt for a map


04:59 PM

At High Reaches Weyr, it is afternoon on day 6, month 5, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.

Into the records room comes a trio of people. Poor Miniyal. They're even talking. On the bright side, all three of them are carrying hides. It's just after lunch time, and presently, Aida is limping and annoyed (and has a splint on one wrist), Dara is sighing, and Natain is looking disturbed. It's such a /cheerful/ little group.

Natain enters behind Aida, carrying an armload of hides-- one can assume carrying them for Aida, since they're almost definitely not /his/. "Er, that's a convenient excuse. For someone who accused me of being withholding," he mumbles as he passes through the door, lips pulled ruefully to one side while he continues to eyeball the headmaster's assistant.

Essdara is silent, simply moving with the others towards Aida's destination, ready to hand over her share of the hides when they get there. under one arm is tucked a tray, empty of course, waiting to be returned to the kitchens

It's one of the busier times for the records room, people scurrying about to finish things they should have finished before lunch. Or getting a jump start on the work that has to be done tomorrow. This means, for the most part, the head of records is in hiding. There's several other people working in here, directing students and residents where they need to go. Miniyal is seated in a corner, not her usual one, working over an old looking hide. It looks like she's trying to copy it, or at least what is left legible on it.

There is a spot where brought back things go, and so that is where Aida heads. She carefully sets down the ones she's holding, then turns to take those from the other two to also set these down. More than she could have had out, so it's likely she's bringing things back for others. "Thank you," she tells Dara. "I'll...see you later." Smile. Her head turns enough that she can start the hunt for Miniyal with her eyes, even as she asks of Natain, "It *is* a convenient excuse, isn't it? It's also a valid one."

Essdara nods simply to Aida, setting her load down. "Yeah. Later." A thin smile, and a wave to Natain; Niya is unremarked upon and unnoticed as Dara quietly escapes the trio.

Natain looks totally out of place in here. Look at all these words! And stuff to read! And-- yeah. He offloads his stuff back to Aida, careful not to /touch/ /anything/ the whole time. Distracted already, he just seems all the more dorky by the location. "Mhm," is all he says.

Miniyal is always aware of what is going on in her domain. That does not mean she moves to intercept anyone who comes in. But, she is aware when people come in. So, Aida, Naitan, and Essdara are seen. Just as Essdara is seen leaving. Then Miniyal drops her head back to her work, head bending close to try to make out a word on something almost faded beyond recognition.

Bringing her good hand up to give a light touch to Natain's upper arm to try and reassure, Aida offers him a small smile, then shifts on her feet to keep looking for -- ah, Miniyal. When she spots the Head of Records, she starts limping over in that direction. "Miniyal," she greets, from a distance. Still, she does glance after Dara once she's sure the other girl is gone, and then she's asking of Natain, "Was I too harsh?"

Natain nods across the distance to Miniyal to be polite-- not that she's apt to notice, poring over the records like that. He glances momentarily to the brushed arm, then back to Aida with a long, thoughtful purse of his lips. "I dunno," he answers helpfully, hitching a one-shouldered shrug. "You'd probably be better off asking her when you see her again." Brilliant, ain't he?

Lifting her head once more, Miniyal lets out a quiet sigh. Drat. Someone's found her. Gently moving the hide away from her she sets her pen down on the table, hands folding in front of her. On the table, of course, never on the hide. Rather than vocalize her greeting she just nods her head once. That's all the invitation she's going to give it seems for contact.

"That's helpful," Aida remarks aside to Natain, giving him a mildly amused look as she draws up in front of Miniyal's table and refocuses her attention on the woman. A smile is offered, her good hand coming up and beck to ruffle through her curls in the back. "Miniyal, I need some help with something, and I think you're probably the only person I know of to ask. Do you have a moment?"

Natain retreats to a corner of the table, standing there, being useless, smiling now and then should the occasion warrant it-- like eye contact or even just a glance in his direction. Meanwhile, he looks around the room like a tourist who can't speak the language, pushing his index finger absently against the edge of the table now and then.

Head poking into the door of the records room, a very determined-looking Tavaly clears her throat, staring at the back of Miniyal's head. Huh. "Hey uh.. There's a boy in here."

Miniyal blinks a few times and peers at Aida. "Oh, well. What do you need to know?" is asked with the quietest of sighs. She's going to be interrupted it seems. May as well get it over with so she can get back to what she was doing. Or flee in terror depending on how this goes. Tavaly's remark is not, well, remarked upon. Because surely this is not directed to her.

Her head turning when she hears a Tav voice, Aida's expression brightens with pleasure, then touches with relief. A Tavaly. She gives a little wave, and then turns her attention back to Miniyal. "I need a map of the area around the Weyr," she explains. "With as many of the little tiny caves and things in the surrounding area as can be. Do you have any idea if there's anything like that around?"

Natain's busy looking out of place. At the moment Tavaly sticks her head in the room, he's busy counting the number of steps it would take to get from the corner of the table to the door-- undoubtedly factoring in whether or not he could do it before someone could try to waylay him. The greenrider provides a welcome distraction from the conversation of which he's not a part. "Not by choice."

Oh, hey, look! It's Aida! "Hey there, sweet cakes!" Tav says brightly. "We gotta talk later. I have to shower you with compliments and smother you in hugs. Good to have you back." She blows a kiss in the girl's direction before turning her head towards Natain. "Ah. You. Yes. Get out here. You're in deep runner dung." And that's when Tav ducks back out of the records room. No time to dally!

There is quite a bit more blinking. Miniyal is quite lost by now looking at all these people wandering around. How dare they! Cannot they see she is working? Giving her head a shake she tries to focus on what Aida is saying. "What? Umm. Probably. I mean, not in detail. Or, not in a lot of detail? No one has walked around to find every little spot that might be around here."

It's like somebody waved her security blanket in her face after it'd been missing for a while, then hid it -- and took away her stuffed animal, too. Aida looks struck by panic briefly as Tavaly ducks back out and she's faced by the prospect of Natain going too, but she covers the reaction up swiftly and puts back on her smile. "I'll...catch up with you later, I guess," she tells Natain. "I promise, the full story. I can't come out and visit you, though. You'll have to find me here." And with that said, she lifts her chin and puts on a brave face, refocusing on Miniyal. "Could you possibly try and find the most detailed one? I know you know maps, and I figured you'd be the most familiar, would be really helpful, if you...if you don't mind."

Natain? That's what the look on his face conveys, anyway. He wheels around to peer behind him for a moment, making damn sure there's no one else back there. "I'll send my nephew up to if I'm not gonna be back for the night," he assures in an undertone, entertaining the thought of cutting and running. "The whole story." He gives Aida a meaningful look, a less-meaningful look to Miniyal, and he's on his way back to the door. "In deep? Really. That sounds--" Something. He steps out after Tavaly, perplexed.

"Sure, I'm not doing anything at all," Miniyal says as she stands up with a sigh. "What do you need it for anyway?" And with that she's off over to the shelves to look for something. Doesn't even ask about the woundednes of Aida. Surely she noticed. Surely she's not that unaware. Of course that means either she doesn't care. Or doesn't think it's her business.

"No, no -- Miniyal," Aida's words come swiftly when the other woman stands up. "Not right now," she says. "You're busy. This is a 'if you have time later' sort of thing, not an immediate need." Her eyes go a little wide, and she takes a few careful steps back away. "Please, don't stop what you're doing. Just, if you have a moment, and you remember where one might be, just let me know? I...want to make a copy of it. So I can add to it later when I do go walking around and looking. I don't need it right now, though. Please."

Already up, Miniyal doesn't pause. Because, she's up. Shaking her head she pulls down a group of maps bound together and carries them back to the table. Setting them down she shrugs. "Already up anyway. Not a big deal." Yea, right. It's a /huge/ deal. How dare Aida come in here and ask her to do something she could do herself!? Really. The nerve of some people. Carefully she begins to search through the maps.

Good hand brought around so she can rub her fingers against her forehead, Aida looks...unreasonably upset, really, for the comparatively minor matter of Miniyal being put out. Still, she manages to regain her composure after too long, rubbing at her nose and then dropping her hand down enough for her to bite at a knuckle as she watches. "Thank you," she manages, around her hand.

A more aware person might notice the upset, but Miniyal just looks through the hides, frowning to herself. "I don't see much here that's real detailed. I guess no one's ever bothered. There's one that shows the area with a path marked where the tithes come up and that trades use." Shrugging she turns the hide so Aida can see it. "It's hardly detailed. Like I said, I don't think anyone's thought to actually mark anything down."

Stepping forward again so she can peer down at the hide, Aida eventually gives a little nod. "It's a good place to start from, at least," she offers, along with a small smile. Composure, back in place. "I'll make sure you get a copy of my copy. I don't have anything else out, right now -- I'll have one of the others sign me out on it. Thank you."

"Thank you," Miniyal says as she takes the hide in question from the collection. "I'll put it in something," she says with a nod as she heads over to the cabinets where such things are kept and pulls out a tube used by couriers and the like. Carrying it back she rolls the hide up gently and places it within the tube. "Is that all that you needed." Please be yes! No talk of anything else, right? Just take it and leave!

The tube is taken gingerly, tucked under her arm and held onto with her good hand. Once Aida has it situated, she offers up another smile towards the other woman. "Yes," she agrees swiftly. "I'm sorry for having interrupted you. Have a good rest of the day, and...I'll see you sometime soon? We still need to have that glass of wine sometime soon. Br'ce has the most lovely bottle of...well. You'll have some when you visit." Smile.

People are always sorry they interrupted, but they do it anyway. That's the way of the world. Miniyal sits back down now and looks at what she was doing. "Oh, yes. I'd forgotten about that. Sure, sometime soon will be fine." Shrugging her shoulders she looks around. "People are always bothering me. It's not as if this is the first interruption I've had all day. It happens. I hope you feel better or recover or what have you." Well, she did notice at least it seems.

"I haven't," Aida says, that smile holding. "Forgotten, I mean. Soon. Definitely soon." A few steps backwards. "And I know you get interrupted all the time -- and my sorry for it didn't keep me from doing it, but still. I am sorry to disturb. And thank you; I will soon enough. Have a good day." Another step back, and then she's turning to start limping her way for one of the other workers to have her record checked out. Escape.

Miniyal takes up her pen again to return to her work. Luckily for others no one else seems interested in bothering her right now. She probably wouldn't be as nice. Nice.

Aida swiftly goes about the process of getting that map checked out, quiet and certainly not prone to chattering at anyone *else* in here. That's a lucky privilege all for Miniyal. Once that's been taken care of, she lifts a hand to wave towards the Head of Records, then moves to make her way out. Zoom.
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