Broken into pieces!

Aug 30, 2006 19:18

Who: Miniyal and Kierom
Where: Records Room, HRW
When: 18:25 on day 28, month 4, turn 2 of the 7th Pass
What: Kierom comes in to return some hides and makes a mistake.


At High Reaches Weyr, it is 18:25 on day 28, month 4, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.

Walking in from the Upper Caverns, Kierom is chewing on his lower lip holding two hides and trying to be carfeul with them. It's early evening and some people have starts gathering for dinner in the Living Cavern, but the stablehand still has errands to attend to. He looks around for a place to put the returned records and someone to speak to.

There's a few people here waiting to eat until later. Or they've already eaten. Either way there's a few people here. One of them is Miniyal who doesn't eat supper anyway. She's muttering to herself as she balances a stack of hides, trying to put one of them away without losing the others.

Recognising the lady in the black dress with the stack of hides, Kie heads towards her. "Excuse me, ma'am. I wanted to make sure I returned these hides to the right place and make sure that someone knew they were the ones N'ka had checked out. He wanted me to look at them and asked me to return them for him." Kie bites his lower lip again and gives a slight smile to Miniyal.

There is much blinking and a scowl as Miniyal turns and studies Kierom. "Ma'am? I am not some old woman," she grumbles before shaking her head. Then one hand points to a basket near the entrance. "Returned hides go there. They are marked in. We check to see who had them." Then she looks at him a little more closely before snorting. "Right, his latest fling."

Kierom winces and turns towards the entrance, quietly saying, "I didn't mean to imply you're old, Miniyal. Just respecting your place as the Head of Records." Kie takes a couple of steps when he hears the last bit and just stops, turning with hides still in his hand and color drained slightly, "Latest Fling?" Kie just stands there, staring at Miniyal wanting her to explain more.

Miniyal's shoulders lift in a shrug. "Not a ma'am is all," she says with a frown. Tilting her head to the side she turns and replaces the hide she was holding in one hand. Moving on to another she doesn't seem likely to explain. Nope. Just going to comment on that and then be done. Heh.

Kierom keeps looking at Miniyal for a moment, turns and returns the hids to the indicated place and then moves back to where Miniyal again, chewing on his lower lip more and speaks quietly, "What did you mean by his latest fling?" HE's not going to drop it, and probably stay there until she answers.

Miniyal blinks several times and turns around to stare at Kierom. "What it said. He's had them in the past. Now there is you. Which makes you the latest." A pause and she shakes her head. "Insecurity. That's never any good." Then it's off to another shelf to replace another hide.

Kierom follows Niya, his hands going behind his back, as he looks at the ground for a moment. "You know N'ka then? He's had....many flings?" Kie's voice wavers and he bites his lower lip again. Not a word is said about being Inseecure and it's just ignored.

"Hrm? Oh, I wouldn't know. Don't really know him or anything," Miniyal says, completely unaware of what may be going on in Kie's head. Or that she might be upsetting him. This is what people get for /talking/ to her. "Anyway, people have flings."

A pause filled with blinking and staring is all there is for a moment before Kierom says anything and when he does speak, it's quiet, "Yes, I suppose they do. Has he had anyone else move into his Weyr before? besides me?" Kie bites his lower lip again with a hopeful look in his eyes.

Now, now Miniyal turns around to peer at Kierom. "How should I know? It's not exactly something we keep track of here, you know? For all I know he's lived with half the weyr. It's none of my business and if you had a clue you wouldn't even care." Shaking her head she turns back to replace a hide on the shelf.

Kierom blinks at the words and shakes his head and his voice is calm, butt not as quiet, though far from loud, "Of course I care. He knows who I've been with and just has brushed his past off as if it were nothing. I know it shouldn't bether me, but it does." A pause then as he looks at Niya. "It's just that....I love him." Kie bites his lower lip again, continuing to watch the Head of Records.

Miniyal rolls her eyes, but since her back is to him he missed that contribution. But it so needs doing. "If he doesn't want to share who cares? And, there's your problem." Another shelf and another couple of hides are replaced. Perhaps she hopes the conversation will end that way? Emo kids. There should be a law.

It just doesn't stop as Kie follows Niya to another shelf. "No, I can't make him share, and I do worry sometimes. I wouldn't mind being with him for twenty-five years or more, but if this is just a fling to him....." Kie doesn't finish the thought and bites his lower lip again.

There's a twitch of shoulders and the sound of a large intake of breath. Miniyal is /not/ the person to be having this conversation with. Why? Here's why. She spins around and levels a glare at poor Kierom. "Alright, first? I don't care. Are we clear? If you want to know, sharding ask him. Because I do not know. And, more importantly? I do not care. I have better things to do than worry about who's screwing who around here."

Kierom blinks for a moment and looks at the floor again, not quite sure of what to say or how to react. He winces and looks shamefaces. "I'm-I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't have bothered you." Kie turns to leave, not paying any attention to where he's going and starts to head head, heading straight for a table with a small stack of hides on it that will go everywhere if he runs into it at the pace he's started at.

"Oh, give it up," Miniyal says with a snort. "The whole little woe is me thing is so not interesting. Get a spine already." Excuse me? Ladies and gentlemen? May we present another edition of Pot and Kettle, starring Miniyal! "Knock those over and you're in trouble." See? She cares!

There is no collision. In fact there is no movement now. Kierom has stopped dead in his tracked and is starring straight ahead and clenched his fist. "'Woe is me'? 'Det a spine'? At least I'm trying. I don't tsay hold up in a room all day and not letting myself get close to others. I have friends here now where I haven't before and yes, I've made mistakes along the way but at least I've been trying to fix them if I can. And, yes, I have asked N'ka about his past before but he's brushed it off."

If he's trying to start a fight? Well, actually, he's not going to get one. Shrugging her shoulders and turning back to her work, Miniyal is silent for a few moments. Eventually she shakes her head and puts up another hide. "Then he doesn't want to talk about it. There's no reason to /talk/ about everything. You can go now."

Go now? Isn't that what he was doing before she stopped him? Kie's glaring daggers at the wall ahead of him, which is missed by Miniyal since his back is turned. "Yes, so it seems." With that, Kie walks around the table and heads out of the ERecords Room without another comment.

His leaving isn't even noticed by Miniyal. She's putting records up, letting the little guy go on now and leave her be. She really is just sort of clueless.

k'rom, miniyal

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