Woe to temptation

Aug 29, 2006 22:57

Who: Miniyal and M'kae
Where: Kitchens, HRW
When: 19:41 on day 26, month 4, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.
What: Miniyal meets a student while waiting for her mother.


At High Reaches Weyr, it is 19:41 on day 26, month 4, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.

The supper hour is lingering to a close. This means the kitchen is in cleanup mode. Busy, busy, busy as people bustle about bringing in dishes and carrying out a few items to be left for those who missed the normal mealtime for whatever reason. While it's loud and busy there's still a few spots that are a bit calmer. Miniyal is in one of these spots, tucked away in a corner, waiting for her mother to finish up with her work so they might, well, do mother daughter things? Something like that. She sits at a table alone, a glass of wine on the table along with a bit of something she's working on. Looks as if she's embroidering on some ribbon. How girly. And not really like her which is why every now and again someone stops by the table to remark upon it.

M'kae makes his way in from the living cavern, holding a mug in one hand and still sucking sticky crumbs from his fingers. The bronzerider doesn't seem to be in much hurry, taking his time in dodging the bustling staff. Time enough to turn his gaze after certain of the women, in any case. His path winds him around until he zeros in on a tray of fresh pastries just being pulled from an oven. An angrily flapped dishtowel is apparently sufficient to deter him for the time being, but he only retreats as far as the table occupied by Miniyal. Resting a hip against the top, his gaze eventually travels curiously towards the young woman.

The kitchen makes note of this invader, several of the younger members of the staff watching him appreciatively as he goes by. There is some murmuring as well, but it does seem as if he will not be kicked out just for coming in. Not even for trying to steal a pastry. The rustle of something being up catches even Miniyal's attention and looking up from what she does she sees the reason standing close by. At her table. She's just slightly territorial after all, however she doesn't do anything too rude just yet. "Looking for someone?" Because maybe she can point him on his way.

M'kae seems rather oblivious to any change in atmosphere he's caused, particularly now that he's moved to inhabit this calm spot with Miniyal. He shakes his head in a slight negation at her question, lifting his mug for a slurp before he answers. "Nah," he says simply. The lowered cup is used to gesture vaguely towards that late-baked tray. "Just wanted to snag one more of those." The rider's head tips slightly as his eyes drop to the ribbon. "I'm not interrupting?" It's not really a question - since his voice is lacking even a trace of concern.

"Would you care?" is asked after the last question is asked of her. Tone implying Miniyal is aware of the answer already. Or at least thinks she is at least. The man gets just the briefest of glances which seems to serve as her sizing him up. "I'm sure you had plenty," is her reply to the other, eyes flickering towards those now cooling pastries with more than a fair bit of longing. She tortures herself this way it seems and settles on just setting down her ribbon and needle before she picks up her wine glass for a sip.

The smallest of brightening smirks finds its way to M'kae's features at her reply, an eyebrow tipping up along with one of his shoulders. Beyond that, he doesn't deign to supply the already presumed answer. Miniyal's look towards the pastries is matched by a glance from his own eyes before they look back to rake over his tablemate. Her comment causes his expression to subtly cool. "I suppose you'd know," the bronzerider says blandly, the tail of the phrase muffled as he lifts his klah to his lips.

Miniyal's eyes roll and she gestures around with one hand after setting her wine down. "I know everything that goes on around here," she says with no trace of sarcasm. Instead she sounds as if she believes it. Now, she could be lying, but she sounds so sure. "Still, if you want to take another one they won't be checking on them. They're there to cool for at least half an hour before anyone gets back to them." Well, she does know that and it does seem likely since other things are left there to cool as people bustle off. Or, maybe she's setting him up.

M'kae fixes the young woman with a side-cast, skeptical look. "Hunh." His free hand reaches up, the fingers outlining his mouth briefly while his jaw stretches down. Miniyal remains his focus for a lingering moment before his eyes shift towards the tray. "Don't particularly fancy being burnt," he murmurs as a little frown tugs at his lips. After a moment of supposed internal discussion he shrugs it off and flicks his glance back towards Miniyal. "You want one, too?"

Another look is cast towards the pastries and it's a good thing they are edible because she looks like she could eat them all. However, Miniyal just shakes her head and takes another sip from her glass of wine. "Thank you. I don't eat in the evenings." Setting her wine down she takes up her ribbon again and frowns at it as she starts to pick a stitch out of it. "New here?" is asked without looking up and in a tone that implies she's just asking out of a sense of enforced politeness.

M'kae snorts disbelievingly. There's even a mumble in the exhale that may sound suspiciously like "women", oh so thoughtfully drowned in another sip of klah. He's still glancing indecisively over the mug at those treats when she exchanges wine for ribbon. "Yeah, something like that," he answers off handedly without averting his gaze. Then, that said, he rocks forward from his slouch against the table to start making his way over to that tray.

Miniyal shakes her head slowly and while she might have heard what was said she doesn't comment. Instead she works on her little project. A few stitches undone and she takes a sip of her wine before she resumes work. "Caucus," she says with a snort. "Always more people coming in." Another look and she watches the movement towards the pastry table. Setting her work down she observes the way the kitchen people go about their work and, just watches. If someone notice the attempt to filch a pastry they don't try to stop him.

There's a low 'mhumm' originating from M'kae, though since he doesn't turn back it's not entirely clear if it's prompted by Minyal's last words. Once home-free at the pastry table it takes a couple abortive backward-jerks of fingers before the bronzerider teases not one, but two, pastries off of the tray. He manages to poke one into a stack above the other and starts carrying them before deciding to change tactics - setting them over the mouth of his mug where he then balances them with a finger. Tower of goodies thus assembled, he turns to make his way not out, but back to Miniyal's table.

The best course of action should have been to flee. It's never wise to remain at the scene of a crime. Especially when there is a witness. For reasons of her own, Miniyal doesn't do anything but shake her head when one of the kitchen workers comes and notices the missing pastries. Nothing to see here she says with a faint smile at the woman before watching M'kae head towards her with the evil pastries. Reaching behind her for a bottle of wine stashed on a corner table she tops off her glass and then replaces the bottle.

M'kae, apparently, does not have the makings of a criminal mastermind. Or maybe he's just presumptuous enough to think rules don't apply to him. In any case, when Miniyal's smile alerts him to the worker he merely turns an unconcerned look over his shoulder and gives a brief nod. Nothing to see, indeed. Reaching the table, the bronzerider slides the pair of pastries down and sets them down halfway towards the young woman. Now freed of its cap, his mug is lifted for another sip and then gestured towards the replaced bottle. "Your own stash?"

"Mine? No. I do not spend very much time in here. Only when waiting on someone." Miniyal shrugs and glances around for that someone. Not that there is going to be much luck in that. If her mother's seen her being social than she will go about her work as long as possible in hopes of her daughter making a new wittle friend. Ugh. "I'd offer you a glass, but you have a drink." The pastries are eyed, coveted, but not touched. Both hands are busy instead with needle and thread, working on whatever little trinket she is doing.

"Ah," M'kae says at the negation, the smallest note of disappointment in his tone. The beginnings of a smile crinkle lopsidedly on his lips at her last statement, reaching no farther then that. "I do," he agrees redundantly, seemingly content with his klah since he sips at it again. He's quiet a spell, letting those pastries loom evilly on their own, before touching with idle curiosity on her earlier phrasing. "Where do you spend your time, then?"

Evil looming pastries. They draw attention, at least Miniyal's attention because they look so tempting right there. But, she resists even if it requires her to spend her time constantly with the stitching. "I'm the head of records," is the answer to the question. That is the answer that is given before silence reigns for a minute or two. When it seems like a kick to her brain in the manner region occurs she adds, "I'm Miniyal."

M'kae's brows wander upwards at her answer, not quite with the energy required for 'surprise' but certainly registering 'unexpected'. He looks at Miniyal more closely as she stitches and he sips. Her belated addition of her name seems to serve as a kick for him. "Yeah, I've heard of you," he says with dawning recollection - the type one feels when one finds that forgotten, strange gift from mom buried in the back cabinet corner. "M'kae," he adds as an afterthought, thunking his mug-bearing fist lightly against his chest. "I gotta come visit you sometime, get used to that records place," he says with wan humor, distaste for the idea wearing through.

Miniyal's hand twitches and she almost reaches for the pastry. So, so very close. But before it is too obvious she pulls her hand away and takes her glass in hand to have a drink. Wine is a poor substitute for pastry, but it will do. "Yes, well. Right," she says with a shake of her head. Yea, people have heard of her for sure. "It's not as if it is hard to get used to it. Just use the master index to find what you want. It's /very/ well organised. You couldn't find a better organised place anywhere."

"Great." Can we hear the enthusiasm? No? M'kae finds comfort in his klah, though the level's getting a bit low by the sloshy plunk of liquid. Quirking his mouth to the side, the bronzerider angles the cup to look into its depths as he lowers it back down. After hanging a moment there, his gaze moves on to the pastries and he reaches out to pluck up the nearest one. "Hope they don't keep you waiting, too long," he offers, now using the pastry to gesture vaguely towards the kitchen as he shifts slightly doorwards. When it's finished its circuit, the treat comes in for a crumb-shedding nibble.

"Oh, one of those," Miniyal says suddenly, snapping her fingers and smirking. Just for a moment. There's a look at the pastry, the one remaining and the one already claimed, but there's still no more than a twitch of fingers. And a drink from her wine that leaves her glass almost empty. "I have to wait. It's how things go. The time passes." A shrug of her shoulders and she makes a vague waving gesture. "So long as I don't touch anything they don't mind me being here at least."

M'kae pauses, forehead furrowing as he narrows an uncertain glance at the suddenness and snapping. It passes gradually, leaving vague wariness in its wake and him bobbing his head in a little nod. "Wouldn't think so," he says to her last. "Just follow the drill, and it'll all run smoothly," a wry smirk of his own emerges as he continues, easing into motion now to set off for the living caverns. "See ya around, Miniyal."

Miniyal sets her wine glass down once it is empty. A small smile appears, not much of one really. "Oh, I'm sure I'll see you around. We're not that big after all." Since he is leaving she dismisses him, taking up her needle and returning to her work without so much as another word.

m'kae, miniyal

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