So play is done and I am so proud of everyone involved. One month and we managed to pull it all together. I am so thankful for everyone who helped me through it. ♥ Minor excitement... I got flowers every night! Twice on the final night! And and and... they are still living! That is almost as big of an accomplishment as putting on my own show
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So I know I just did a little post like this about a week ago but I'm notorious for never treating myself. I've been sop stressed ad wound up that I knew i needed a shopping trip to get some well deserved goodies. I also have a wee meme at the bottom for you to do :)
I am currently in what feels like the longest rehearsal of my life. It feels even longer than the 12 hour rehearsal. I've been here since 11am, and I can't leave until 6pm. So far, I've been part of a total of 2 scenes. I am gong stir crazy.
To pass the time I've been watching Chuck. My god, that's a good show. I love the internet.