Mentalist Fic Recs

Jul 08, 2012 01:49

I've been trawling the 'net for a few days now, and it is Gosh-awfully hard to find good recs of the Mentalist. Or recs of the Mentalist, save for two posts that pop up. Mostly up to S4. Maybe some S5. Sorry about the lack of summaries, but it's been a while since I dabbled in the Mentalist fandom.

A Magician Never Reveals
The Sound Of Silence
The Meaning Of Chocolate

Fics by Jumpfall:
Free Falling

Fics by H-Loquacious:
Lead me Through The Fire
Long Lost (Long Last)
Secret Drawer
Impure, Unsimple Truth
You Said You Could Save Them

On AO3:
What You See Is What You Get (If You're Looking Hard Enough) : A simply amazing piece of fic. It has Jane being Jane, and there are freaky-deaky magical powers which somehow manage to fit in seamlessly and retain characterisation, snark and plot. And it has a sequel: Body Language Is A Complicated Thing.
Empty Spaces (Strawberries & Cream spoilers)
Hummingbird (Jane & Lisbon h/c)
Demon In A Bottle
Five Times Jane Watched Lisbon Die (And One Time He Didn't)

NSFW / Darkfic : Mostly Jane!Whump of various natures, with plottiness and thinking.

Aftermath (Non-con, and the unholy fury of Sam Bosco and Theresa Lisbon)
Cheap Burgundy (Darcy/Jane dubcon)
Welcome to Your Life (Lisbon is the one with RJ in her past, not Jane)
Our Hearts Are Closets Full of Cages (Rigsby & Jane genfic with angst, h/c and Jane!whump)

fic, darkfic, h/c, gen, recs, jane whump, mentalist, non con, jane/lisbon, dubcon

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