Some XMFC Recs - Slashy more than not

May 11, 2012 19:41

Some XMFC recs I'd made ages ago and never got around to posting. I honestly have a very vague idea of the content - I've tried to tag the ones with NC-17 material, but I might be wrong. Go on at your own risk. Like as not, they'll probably all be slashy! Oh and messed up with a dollop of angst, because that's how I roll.

1. Be One Traveler by Perryvic and Zaganthi
2. A Deeper Season by Etirabys
3. The O(l)dd Couple by WInterhill
4. Scenes from a War (Reveille, Reveille) by tomato_greens

5. The Western Shore by khaleesian
6. The Winter of Our Banked Fires by Yahtzee
7. Everyday Love in Stockholm by tahariel
8. High and Dangerous by fourfreedoms
9. Lima Syndrome by Yahtzee

10. A Force Unseen by MonstrousRegiment
11. Usiku by MonstrousRegiment
12. The Half Killed by MonstrousRegiment
13. Brief Lives by by MonstrousRegiment

slash, cherik, recs, messed up fic, x men first class, fandom:xmfc, charles/erik

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