Chivalry is not dead.

Aug 02, 2008 01:18

Getting into my pants can be compared to solving a rubix cube. After posting the last blog, I decided to rectify said situation by posting a profile over at okcupid. I thought it over and you know, maybe I am what some would call, too picky. I must say, the selection of men at okcupid is much better than those nerds over at, and a quantum leap from the religious zealots of eharmony. After spending way too much time thinking of what to write to make myself seem less malignant and posting pictures where I'm not giving looks that could annhilate a flourishing nation, I hit post and hoped for the best.

One of the first responses I got was from a man who goes by the handle "wheremyhosat".

"you liken to suck on big black dicks?"

I decided that before migrating my cursor over to delete, I should take the advice of my peers. I should stop being so picky. I should, as some say, lower the bar. Upon further investigation, I learned that this dark meat aficionado was a purveyor of many things. If only he had pictures to prove his point. Here are some highlights, which I've actually highlighted, for my amusement:
My self-summary Propose an edit

I aint looking fer no fucking relationship you wanta slob on a nob or what bitches?? I got a damn biggun
What I'm doing with my life Propose an edit

if you got a persciption, you need a pharmatist thas me, bitch
I'm really good at Propose an edit

laying your bitch ass down fuckin up a motherfucker

The six things I could never do without Propose an edit

sex bitches my piece my homeys pussy a bitchs ahole

You should message me if Propose an edit

you wanna suck abig dick an fuckd hard!! bitch

Oh the edits I would love to propose. Okcupid was nice enough to inform me that "wheremyhosat" and I had a 56% chance of becoming enemies, as if I didn't already know.

With that being said, the bar has been postioned back to it's rightful place: The ozone.


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