В 17-ой книге Деды О’Брайана The Commodore Жэке воздается за все хорошее, он получает эскадру и благородную миссию изничтожать французов у африканских берегов и освобождать чернокожих рабов.
В the Mauritius Command (4) кэптану тоже свезло плавать под собственным брейд-вымпелом и приобретать опыт по управлению эскадрой. Спустя годы Жэка уже без юношеского восторга относится к этой задаче, когда выясняется, что среди его капитанов есть балбес-плеточник и балбес-содомит, для которых блеск металла пушек и чистота матросских ленточек на шляпах важнее, чем gunnery, практическая готовность за минимальное время выстрелить максимальным количеством ядер. Ведь Жэка учился у самого Нельсона.
And on another scale altogether, he himself, commanding a fourteengun brig, had boarded and carried a Spanish frigate mounting thirty-two. But then Nelson knew his captains, knew his ships: and he knew the enemy too. ‘Never mind manoeuvres,’ he had said to Jack one memorable evening, ‘always go at them.’
У Дока снова все не слава богу. Он впервые видит свою дочь и все кругом считают ее недоразвитым ребенком. Потому что единственный язык, на котором она говорит - ирландский гэльский. На каком еще языке мог заговорить ребенок, названный именем ирландской богини. Скоро будет гинесс пить. У моряков, которые видят маленькую Бригиду, совсем другие представления о том, что такое хороший развитый ребенок.
She’s as pretty a little maid as ever I see - talks away to Padeen in their language, and quite like a Christian to us. Laughs when the barky ships a sea, goes aloft on old Mould’s shoulders, never seasick - loves the sea. We just run her and Mrs Oakes across to the Groyne in the tender. A dear little maid, and the Doctor is as happy as.. .’
Отец-наркоман - горе в семье, Док продолжает пропагандировать листья коки среди медиков эскадры.
Вообще забавно то, как на протяжении 20 с лишним новелл Док пытается слезть с опиума через употребление наркотиков “полегче”.
Yet he had some faults, and one was a habit of dosing himself, generally from a spirit of inquiry, as in his period of inhaling large quantities of the nitrous oxide and of the vapour of hemp, to say nothing of tobacco, bhang in all its charming varieties in India, betel in Java and the neighbouring islands, qat in the Red Sea, and hallucinating cacti in South America, but sometimes for relief from distress, as when he became addicted to opium in one form or another; and now he was busily poisoning himself with coca-leaves, whose virtue he had learnt in Peru.
В каждой новелле Деда показывает, что такое настоящая дружба. Это поступки. В третьей новелле HMS Surprise Док попадает в застенок к французам, которые калечат ему руки. Руки хирурга и музыканта. Он продолжает играть дуэтом с Жэкой и всю дорогу думает, что они оба такие энтузиасты-любители.
Когда в очередной раз Док гостит в гнезде кэптана, и тот по старой морской привычке пол-ночи наворачивает круги вокруг дома, имитируя корабельное расписание, и играет на скрипке наедине с собой, Док обнаруживает, что Жэка далеко не любитель и все это время притворялся, что хуже владеет скрипкой, чтобы не расстраивать друга, которого травмы рук изрядно выбила из колеи.
И потом это стало привычкой. Черт меня дери, если это не есть настоящая дружба.
There were few birds he preferred to nightjars, but it was not that they had brought him out of bed: he stood leaning on the balcony rail and presently Jack Aubrey, in a summer-house by the bowling-green, began again, playing very gently in the darkness, improvising wholly for himself, dreaming away on his violin with a mastery that Stephen had never heard equalled, though they had played together for years and years.…
He was in fact a better player than Stephen, and now that he was using his precious Guarnieri rather than a robust sea-going fiddle the difference was still more evident: but the Guarnieri did not account for the whole of it, nor anything like. Jack certainly concealed his excellence when they were playing together, keeping to Stephen’s mediocre level: this had become perfectly clear when Stephen’s hands were at last recovered from the thumbscrews and other implements applied by French counterintelligence officers in Minorca; but on reflexion Stephen thought it had been the case much earlier, since quite apart from his delicacy at that period, Jack hated showing away.
Now, in the warm night, there was no one to be comforted, kept in countenance, no one who could scorn him for virtuosity, and he could let himself go entirely; and as the grave and subtle music wound on and on, Stephen once more contemplated on the apparent contradiction between the big, cheerful, florid sea-officer whom most people liked on sight but who would never have been described as subtle or capable of subtlety by any one of them (except perhaps his surviving opponents in battle) and the intricate, reflective music he was now creating. So utterly unlike his limited vocabulary in words, at times verging upon the inarticulate.
‘My hands have now regained the moderate ability they possessed before I was captured,’ observed Maturin, ‘but his have gone on to a point I never thought he could reach: his hands and his mind. I am amazed. In his own way he is the secret man of the world; but I wish his music were happier.’
Из прикольного:
Даже спустя годы, команда продолжает восхищаться Доком как хирургом, но ни в какие моряки его не запишут никогда, хотя в этой новелле он умудряется не падать с лестниц.
‘…Now here is Sierra Leone and Freetown... Doctor,’ he called, ‘you are very welcome to stay, if you choose; but I must warn you that from now on our discussion is likely to be purely nautical, dull work for a landsman.’
‘What makes you think that I resemble a landsman, Commodore, I beg? I am salted to the bone; a pickled herring. But, however’ - looking at his watch - ‘my sickberth calls me. Good day to you.
Да и какой моряк назовет братом непонятного хмыря, который добивается приказа не пускать никого на берег Сьерра-Леоне из-за опасности какой-то там желтой лихорадки. Жэка честно предупреждает, что матросы бить его, конечно, не будут, но разлюбят конкретно, хоть он спасает им жизни.
No shore-leave anywhere on the Coast after sunset: Doctor’s orders, confirmed by Captain and Commodore.
‘Damn the Doctor.’
‘Rot the Doctor.’
‘The Doctor’s soul to Hell,’ said the lower deck, the midshipmen’s berth, and the wardroom.
Док много чего не понимает из этих Articles of War. Например, он не врубается в 29-ую статью и пытается выяснить у кэпа, нет, уже у коммодора, мол, как так выходит, что за содомию вешают, а содомиты все не кончаются и не кончаются. Жэка изящно уходит от ответа.
‘Jack,’ said Stephen, when the ship’s pitching had obliged him to lay down his bow: he spoke rather diffidently, knowing how Jack disliked any topic that might reflect discredit on the service, ‘would it grieve you to tell me a little more about sodomy in the Navy? One often hears about it; and the perpetual reiteration of the Articles of War with their “unnatural and detestable sin of buggery” makes it seem part of the nautical landscape. Yet apart from your very first command, the brig Sophie...’
‘She was a sloop,’ said Jack, quite sharply.
‘But she had two masts. I remember them perfectly: one in the front, and the other, if you follow me, behind: whereas a sloop, as you never cease pointing out, has but one, more or less in the middle.’
‘If she has no masts at all, or fifty, she would still have been a sloop from the moment my commission had been read aboard her: for I was a commander, a master and commander; and anything a commander commands instantly becomes a sloop.’
‘Well, in that vessel there was a sailor who could not command his passion - for a goat, as I remember. But apart from that I scarcely remember any instance, and by now I am a very old and experienced salt dog.’