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Dec 18, 2013 16:31

The Truelove (15) на родине Деды было опубликовано под названием Clarissa Oakes. Это имя еще одного яркого персонажа книг Патрика О’Брайана. Кларисса - это невеста одного из офицеров, которую тот попытался спрятать в трюме, прекрасная женщина и головная боль кэпа, который готов пускать дам на борт только через свой труп.

Кэптан любит женщин, в стиле поручика Ржевского: 'Ay,' said Jack, shaking his head. 'I love a wench, it is true; but a wench in her right place.
С нежданной дамой на борту все меняется. В носу не поковыряешь, голым спокойно не поплаваешь, любуясь со стороны любимой кораблихой.
He walked to the gangway stanchions, hung his shirt and trousers over the ridge-rope, breathed deep and dived deeper. The bubbles hissed past him, his whole weight changed; and the water was cool enough to be wonderfully refreshing. He swam powerfully for half a mile, and turning he contemplated the ship, her trim, her perfect lines, as she rose and fell... The abiding fury was wholly dissipated however when within twenty yards of the frigate he caught sight of Mrs Oakes leaning over the quarterdeck rail, far aft.
'Heavens,' he cried inwardly. 'I may be seen naked,' and he instantly dived, swimming as fast and far as he could on one breath.

Моряк, совершенно отвыкший от ближнего присутствия женщин, переживает стресс. Француза или американца с наветренной стороны он бы встретил с меньшей нервозностью.
'I was very near offering Mrs Oakes a dreadful spectacle just now,' said Jack after a pause in which they each drank two cups of coffee. 'I was swimming back - was within pistol-shot -when I noticed her there at the rail. Had she looked my way she must have beheld a naked man.'
'That would have been very shocking, indeed,' said Stephen. 'Pray pass the breadfruit toast.'
Жэка в итоге требует, чтобы Кларисса поскорее вышла замуж от греха подальше, и остается недовольным при виде того, как матросы подрываются, чтобы сшить ей платье, украсить корабль гирляндами, даже док помогает устроить вечеринку, показывая морякам, как танцевать ривердансы.
In any case his mind was diverted by the sight of Dr Maturin showing Reade a series of extraordinarily exact and rapid steps from an Irish dance. 'There,' he said, 'that is a way we have of tripping it at a marriage; but you must never wave your arms or show any emotion, far less hoot aloud, as some unhappy nations do: a most illiberal practice. Here is the Captain himself, who will tell you that hallooing as you dance is not at all genteel.'

Все ж роза, как ее ни назови, напрягает кэпа.
Lying there with the fine steady heave of the sea rocking him with a diagonal motion he mused for a while. Sleep did not come. Far from it. 'It is true that Clarissa Oakes is not really pretty,' he said, 'but how I wish she were lying here beside me.' A moment later he slipped out of his cot, put on shirt and trousers and went on deck. A dark, dark night, with warm rain sweeping across from forward: four hands at the wheel, West leaning on the barricade amidships, most of the watch under the break of the forecastle. He walked aft and stood there looking at the glow of the binnacle and the white water racing by under the frigate's lee; and in time the strong wind and rain blowing his long hair out behind like seaweed and soaking him from head to foot, calmed his spirit.
Кларисса же ни с кем не флиртует, кладет болт на условности, связанные с ее полом, она тихо и методично трахает еще пару офицеров помимо мужа. Ибо по мнению Клариссы absurd to make fidelity a matter of private parts.
'Well sir ... some of the officers are sweet on Mrs Oakes.'
'I dare say they are - a very amiable young woman.'
'No, sir. I mean serious - bloody serious - cut-your-throat serious - fucking serious ..."
'Oh.' Jack Aubrey was taken aback entirely. 'But you surely do not mean that last word literally?"
'No, sir. It is just my coarse way of speaking: I beg pardon.
But so serious that if she were there at the table day after day . . .'
After a silence Jack said 'The husband is always the last to know, they say. I am talking of myself, as being married to the barky, you understand. The sods. But I am sure she never gave them any encouragement.

Док не может не клюнуть на такую прогрессивную мадам. К концу повествования он настолько очарован этой женщиной, что только не отдает ей ключи от дома, где его ждет новорожденная дочка.
and he could now be heard playing his 'cello in the cabin, a remarkably happy piece he had composed for the birth of his daughter. Jack smiled - he was very deeply attached to his friend - but after a couple of bars he said 'Why Stephen should be so pleased with a baby I cannot tell. He was born to be a bachelor - no notion of domestic comforts...'
Работа счетоводом, то есть буквально сметчицей хуев в борделе в годы бурной юности Клариссы несет и другую пользу. Док обнаруживает у нее горячий компромат на пронаполеоновских шпионов, чьи тела он вскрывал в предыдущей новелле.
As they walked down towards the sea, talking in a desultory way of the brothel's inhabitants, of their customs and the customers' sometimes very curious, occasionally touching ways, he said, after a while, 'Did you ever come across two men who were often there together, the one called Ledward, and the other Wray?'
'Oh yes: I had their names in my books many a time. But that was more on the boys' side: the girls were only called in when there was something quite special - chains and leather, you know. Surely, surely they were not friends of yours?'
'No, ma'am.'
'Yet surprisingly enough they did know some quite agreeable people.
Кларисса влияет даже на капеллана Мартина, чуждого всему плотскому, правда, довольно неожиданно - он начинает понимать геев. По крайней мере, он так думает.
'Had you not seen her before?'
'Certainly I had. I went forward earlier in the day to speak to her about the nature of the ceremony and to make sure she understood it - I had supposed she was quite a different kind of woman, barely literate . . . She was still wearing the clothes she had come aboard in, and I must say that although she looked very well as a bride, she looked far better as a boy. Her slight but not unattractive form gave me if not an understanding of paederasty then something not unlike it.'
Stephen was surprised. He had never heard Martin make such an unreserved and almost licentious observation: perhaps he was now more a medical man than a parson. And perhaps, Stephen reflected as they rolled their pills and Padeen wound the bandages, this was one of the effects of bringing a woman into a celibate community.

Сюрприз плавает в Южных морях. И на одном из райских островов Полинезии, где царствует татуированная королева маори по имени Пуолани, Сюрприз налаживает политическую обстановку, помогая ей вышибить американцев и французов с соседнего острова, после чего королева устраивает пир. Док замечает в плошках части тела убиенных врагов.
The bowls were filled all down the line: the Queen had chosen to begin with fish, nearly all the Surprise's officers with meat. But it was exceedingly hot, and while they toyed with their taro, slavering as they did so, Stephen noticed the unmistakable helix of a human ear in his bowl and said to Tapia 'Please tell the Queen that man's flesh is taboo to us.'
'But it is Kalahua and the French chief,' said Tapia.
'Even so,' said Stephen.
Из прикольного:
У Жэки есть кузен по имени Эдвард Нортон.
and the second on that of his very aged cousin Edward Norton, whose much more considerable possessions included the borough of Milport, which Jack represented in Parliament…

Наконец-то Жэке перепал кусочек счастья. На него положила глаз островная королева и взяла дело в свои руки. Так прямолинейно Жэку еще не брали в оборот. Представьте, парни, женщина строит вам хижину, вас поят крепким алкоголем, заносят в хижину как дрова и не выпускают, пока вы не.
Two powerful men heaved him gently to his feet and led him away. On the threshold he turned, as in a dream, and made his bow. Puolani, with the kindest look, returned it: then there was a warm darkness and these sure hands; they took his feather cloak, he slipped off his clothes and they lowered him on to the wonderful ease of the long, flat, soft couch in the house that had been built for him.

He had rarely been so tired, had rarely gone so very far down; yet he rose up clear and fresh, no muddiness, no staring about; he knew, as a sailor knows, that it was near the end of the middle watch, and the tide was on the turn; he knew that there was someone in the room, and as he sat up a strong arm pressed him back, a warm, scented arm. He was not altogether surprised - perhaps his half-waking mind had caught the scent - nor at all displeased: his heart began to beat violently, and he made room.

liberia, obriansnavy, quote*

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