(no subject)

Nov 29, 2013 23:31

14-ая новелла деды О'Брайана названа в честь корабля The Nutmeg of Consolation, которое довольно потешно можно перевести как... блин, я не знаю, как это прилично перевести. Nutmeg - это мускатные орешки, а также на жаргоне - яйца. Яйца утешения? Мускатный орех сожаления? Чем дебильнее название корабля, тем меньше вероятность, что Жэка его раздербанит. Эту посудину вообще назвали в честь одного из бесконечных титулов малазийского султана.
He considered for a while, smiling, and then said, 'Tell me, what was the title poor Fox tripped over during our first audience of the Sultan?'
'Kesegaran mawar, bunga budi bahasa, hiburan buah pala.'
'I dare say. But it was your translation of it that I meant. What was the last piece?'
'Nutmeg of Consolation.'
'That's it: those were the very words hanging there in the back of my mind. Oh what a glorious name for a tight, sweet, newly-coppered, broad-buttocked little ship, a solace to any man's heart. The Nutmeg for daily use: of Consolation for official papers. Dear Nutmeg! What joy.'

The Nutmeg of Consolation, пожалуй, самая эскапичная и камерная вещь из всех предыдущих. В этой новелле нет ни громких морских сражений, ни зубодробительных интриг на суше. Пожалуй, именно эту историю и было бы уместнее назвать The Far Side of the World.
На протяжении всего сказа герои следуют из одной глуши в другую, сквозь джунгли Меланезийских островов с трудом доходят новости из Старого Света, а клочок суши где-то между Китаем и Индонезией подкидывает куда более насущные заботы, чем то, что может твориться дома. Даже родной Сюрприз появляется лишь ближе к концу повествования, разжигая в кэпе и доке небывалое желание поскорее оказаться дома, подальше от ядовитых пауков, кенгуру, ехидн и бабирусс.

The Nutmeg настолько камерен, что даже любимую нельсоновскую цитату Жэка вспоминает не во время боя, но во время великобританской игры в крикет.
'Play,' cried the sergeant: he took two little skips and bowled a twisting lob, pitched well up. 'Never mind manoeuvres,' Nelson had said. 'Always go at them.' Jack obeyed his hero, leapt out, caught the ball before it landed and drove it straight at the bowler's head. The grim sergeant neither flinched nor ducked but seized it as it flew. 'Out,' cried Edwards, the only civilian aboard and therefore a perfect umpire. 'Out, sir, I am afraid.'
Каждая книга морских приключений Патрика О'Брайана напоминает о том, что люди абсолютно разных мировоззрений, умений, вероисповеданий, разного социального положения могут быть лучшими друзьями.
Чтобы обмануть француза, плавающего неподалеку, ''Мускатный орешек'' было решено привести в непотребный вид, чтобы враг не понял, что имеет дело с опытными британскими военными моряками. Дока приглашают посмотреть на созданный беспорядок:

'Where am I to look?' he asked.
'Why, everywhere,' cried both Jack and Fielding.
'It seems much the same to me,' said Stephen.
'Oh for shame,' cried Jack amidst a general sound of disapproval. 'Do not you see the loathesome deck?'
'The rope-yarns hanging about in the rigging?' asked Fielding.
'The loose reef-points?' asked the master, moved beyond discretion.
'The fag-ends of rope everywhere?'
'There is a blue patch on this near topsail that may not have been there yesterday,' said Stephen, anxious to please. 'And perhaps the sail itself is less bright than usual.' This had no success however: pursed lips, shaken heads, mutual looks of intelligence; while behind him an involuntary growl burst from the quartermaster at the con.
'Perhaps I had better occupy myself with what I am more competent to judge,' he said. 'I shall take my morning rounds. Do you choose to accompany me, sir?'
Натуралист никогда не поймет моряка. Взаимно, епты. Док делится с кэпом профессиональным обломом - моряки не дали ему довскрывать интересный труп. И кэп обзывает его упырем.

'I had set aside a corpse for opening, an interesting case of the marthambles; I was going to ask your good word as in duty bound, but before I could do some criminal or at least some busy hand had sewn it up and placed it among those you buried.'
'What a ghoul you are, Stephen, upon my word.'
Зато они оба любят музыку. Именно через музыку Док вспоминает одну из двух своих родин - Ирландию.

Stephen walked over to his 'cello and sitting on the stern-window locker he played over the Rakes of Kerry in pizzicato. 'You should hear that at some far grassy crossroads on a fine Beltane night with the fire on the hill and the pipes playing and five fiddles and the young men dancing as though they were possessed and the young women as demure as mice but never missing a step.'
'Pray play it again,' said Jack. He did; then again with variations and even some thoughts of his own.
Другие моряки, из тех, что попроще, этой темы с музицированием на борту не понимают.
They tuned, and at no great distance Killick said to his mate, 'There they are, at it again. Squeak, squeak; boom, boom. And when they do start a-playing, it's no better. You can't tell t'other from one. Never nothing a man could sing to, even as drunk as Davy's sow.'
'I remember them in the Lively: but it is not as chronic as a wardroom full of gents with German flutes, bellyaching night and day, like we had in Thunderer. No. Live and let live, I say.'
'Fuck you, William Grimshaw.'
Из прикольного:
Жэка берет в команду молодых людей из благородных семейств и объясняет дамам, почему они служат простыми матросами и почему в свое время простым мастросом стал он.
'I took them aboard, ma'am, but not on my quarterdeck: before the mast.'
'Among the common sailors? Oh Captain Aubrey, how barbarous! They are gentlemen's sons.'
'So was I, ma'am, when I was turned before the mast. It was rough and hard and in the graveyard watch when no one could see me I wept like a girl. But it did me a power of good: and I do assure you, ma'am, that upon the whole your common sailor is a very decent sort of man. My messmates on the lower deck were as kind as could be, except for one. Gross of course, on occasion; but I have known midshipmen's berths, aye and wardrooms, grosser by far.'
'It would I am sure be indiscreet to ask why you were turned before the mast,' said the Dutch lady most at home in English.
Очень. Хотел. Ебаться (и мелким шрифтом инфа из предыдущих новелл: прятал чернокожую красотку в трюме).

'Well, ma'am,' said Jack with an engaging leer, 'it was partly because of my devotion to the sex, but even more because I stole the captain's tripe.'
'Sex?' cried the Dutch ladies. 'Tripe?' They whispered among themselves, blushed, looked very grave, and fell silent.
Медитативный док настолько медитативен, что дважды за одно повествование оказывается на грани комы. С одинаковым спокойствием он режет-зашивает и тонко подкалывает кипучего кэпа на предмет храпа.
'Another misery of human life,' remarked Stephen to the morning darkness, 'is having a contubernal that snores like ten.'
'I was not snoring,' said Jack. 'I was wide awake. What is a contubernal?'
'You are a contubernal.'
'And you are another. I was wide awake;

С тем же дзеном Док долбит капитана на предмет переедания и нещадно лечит полнокровие пургеном.
'I tell you what it is, Stephen,' said Jack after a prolonged silence. 'I do not think the gunroom's turtle was quite wholesome.'
'Nonsense,' said Stephen. 'Never was such a healthy, clean-run reptile. The trouble is, you ate too much, as you did the day before, and as you do habitually whenever it is there to eat. I have told you again and again that you are digging your grave with your teeth. You are at present suffering from a plethory, a common plethory. I can deal with the symptoms of this plethory; but the self-indulgence that lies behind them is beyond my reach.'
'Pray do deal with them, Stephen,' said Jack.

liberia, obriansnavy, quote*

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