this is the dream of win and régine

Jan 15, 2013 18:50

I have had a decent week so far. I got a pair of shoes at Forever 21 for $4, not entirely sure they're the most comfortable (still breaking them in) but for only $4, you cannot go wrong!

I paid my bill for next semester, actually I tried to add a fifth class. I don't know why I didn't see it when I was searching before. The class I wanted is Intro to Korean Culture, and it would fulfill my non-western requirement. But when I tried to enroll online I was told that even though the capacity for that class was still open, the seats were being reserved and I did not meet the reserve requirements. I thought this meant they were saving classes for new & transfer students, but when I called the advising office they told me it was possible the class was reserved for Asian Studies majors only, which literally makes no sense, haha
so maybe I'll go down there one day before classes start on the 28th. Suffolk Community's on the way to Stony Brook (SB's just a bit farther down the road haha) and there are some classes I somehow did not transfer from Suffolk to SB yet, even though I'd thought I'd gotten them all...slipped my mind this past semester!

I am also continuing my accounting course this semester, looks like this is going to be my biggest expense since on textbooks, since it require an online access code, which are always at least $80.

My last accounting course (at Suffolk) the professor let us just get the access code since you could view the textbook online with just the access code, which saved money.

For my other books it looks like it's only going to be between $60-80, which is awesome haha! My French class has no required texts, other than the recommended references books like a French/English dictionary (which I have and aren't expensive anyway). This is particularly refreshing because French classes I've taken in the past also had online components, which were not challenging but they were a royal pain! No more of that this semester!!

I am a little nervous about French, since I may be a little out of practice and behind since my French education was the one thing lacking in all my experience in all of Suffolk, but having taken (basically) the same classes three times since high school, I think a bit of a challenge would be good! Maybe it'll have a bit of an immersion effect?

I've considered studying abroad, Nanny & Poppy have both encouraged it, and I think I could benefit a great deal from it...but I'd be nervous to be so far from home, in a foreign country, a foreign city (I can barely handle my own neighboring city for more than a day, although it is New York city...) for three whole months! I've been considering going to Montréal rather than somewhere in Europe. That way I'd be able to maybe visit before living there...

I have been to Paris, but I don't know, I'd like to go back, of course, especially without Mom! But I don't know...something is telling me to go to Canada. My whole family is talking about it. Cassie wants to move there (that's who put the crazy idea in my head to go to school there!) but now Shell's talking about leaving FIT and going to an animation school outside of Toronto...I don't know something about it seems to make sense...?

In other news, I am going to jailbreak my old ipod touch. Cassie told me not to do it to my phone, but if the touch comes out cool and I get another upgrade on my phone contract, I don't see what the harm would be in maybe giving it a go on my phone. Maybe.

Also Pretty Little Liars is back and now my life is beautiful again haha. I love that show~! Oh, and I got pink Christmas lights from JoAnn's for $1.29 (they were 90% off!) and mom let me poke holes in the corners of the wall next to my bed to hang them up...! I love them, they're lit right now, I can't get enough of them!
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