08 November 2012

Nov 08, 2012 11:50

After the storm ended, we were okay for a few days but then we had a cold front mixed with a northeaster, and last night the rain turned to snow. This morning when I woke up I checked if Stony Brook had closed, since I knew Suffolk Community had closed. But SB was going to remain open. I'd woken up late, so I was already rushing. My mom warned me not to go fast because of the snow, and I promised I wouldn't. I didn't think I was.

I got out of the driveway and onto the side roads fine and then got onto the highway service road. I got onto the highway and things were okay for a little while. I stayed in the right lane, because my exit isn't that far from where I get on, so it's easier to just stay there rather than get into the left or middle lane. At this point, the worst part was the rain and snow hitting the windshield. And then there was the snow piled on the sides of the road. It wasn't plowed, the roads were cleared by traffic. It wasn't a lot of snow, only a couple of inches, but the roads were haphazardly cleared.

I guess I was going to fast. I really wish I'd realized at the time. I veered the tiniest bit to the right and my tire caught on the snow or something and I started sliding out of control. I started going into the middle of the highway and into the left lane, and was headed straight for the guard rail. I don't remember if I hit the brakes or not, but I turned the wheel just in time to avoid the guard rail. I started sliding back into the right lane, and the snow at the edge before the right guard wall I guess helped slow me down and I was definitely hitting the brakes at that point. I came to a stop and started to cry. I didn't hit anything or anyone. Physically, it was like nothing had ever happened. I looked out the window and a car went by and I made a split second of eye contact with the driver, a woman. I don't know why, but I can't get her image out of head, even though it was hard to see through both our windows and the snow.

I called my mom after putting the car in park and turning on my hazards. She told me first to calm down because she couldn't understand me, and then to just come home. I can't believe how incredibly lucky I am. The car has no damage at all, as far as I know. I guess this could have damaged the tires? But tires wear out, that's nothing really serious. And I can't even imagine what would have happened if there were other cars near me when I started to swerve! I honestly don't know how there was no one there...it's a fairly busy highway. When I was heading for the left lane guard rail, I just I don't know, I thought I could die? I thought, this is it, I'm going to carried away in an ambulance and might not make it out of the hospital alive. It was one of if not the scariest thing to ever happen to me. I cannot believe how lucky I am. Someone must be watching over me.
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