The marker snapped, and I yelled quiet on the set

Nov 07, 2012 10:51

Yesterday was the first time I've ever voted! I was actually having a tough time deciding who to vote for. I wanted to vote for the Green Party's Jill Stein, but I felt like it was going to be a tough race and had best vote for Pres. Obama...I was thinking about it for so long, and for most of the day, I was fully prepared to vote for him. But once I got to the polls after school, I froze up a bit. I voted all for Democrats otherwise, but the presidential box I left empty till the end. I ended up voting for Jill Stein. I didn't really think, I just went with my gut, which is something I have trouble doing...When we were done I told mom and she freaked. She was like, "WHAT? YOU DIDN'T VOTE FOR THE PRESIDENT?" and I'm using all caps just to show how she reacted...! She really freaked me out, and then I started panicking. Because (as ridiculous as it sounds) if Gov. Romney had won, I would have felt like it was my fault for not voting for Pres. Obama...haha.

But I calmed down after a little while and realized it was good that I did vote Green Party. I really support their platform, even though I also support the president. But I'm not in a swing state, New York always votes Democrat. Were we in Pennsylvania or Ohio, I would have voted for the president. I saw something the night before about how if the Green Party gets a certain percentage of votes, they'd get things like federal funding. I feel like we need that, rather than having just two parties, the other third parties, deserve as much press and publicity as the Republican & Democratic parties get. It's only fair.

When I got home Cassie (who missed the election by just a couple of weeks-she turns 18 on the 17th of this month, you unfortunately have to be 18 by election day, not just election year) told me to watch the Huffington Post since they had a great state-by-state update. I kept an eye on it from 8 to 10 o'clock. I was getting nervous because for a while it looked like Romney was going to win. But it soon tied, and NY polled in as democrat. There were a number of small states (electorally) that hadn't come in yet, but neither had California. I did the math quickly, and realized that even if Romney won those smaller states, he couldn't win office because California was most definitely going to poll in democrat.

I woke up this morning and checked on the internet that the president had been reelected, and I am very happy for this. We are still a way's away from a third party winning. But being in a democratic state, I knew I had to so that the Green Party might get the recognition it deserves.
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