I'm done. What a semester. I finished up at around 2pm today, then spent the rest of the day lazing around with Chris and Ember. We had micro adventures in the kitchen and around the apartments. I wanted to find a nice, big trumpet creeper pod today. I know they grow behind the apartment. I didn't have any luck, but by crazy happenstance I stumbled upon a large-ish snail! He is by no means large for what he is, but he towers over my other small snails that I took with me to Athens from my summer garden in Augusta. This guy was big and meaty and once he warmed up, he was moving everywhere. I let him crawl all over my face. It felt surprisingly nice.
It's only 8:30, but I think I'll go lay down. I've had so so many 5am mornings, and my brain is academically spent. I guess the holidays can officially start for me now.