I found a thing, and it is interesting to me.
Here. Muura had one and it was neat, so I made one too. Uhhhmm it's the eve before my last academic venture of 2009! Megan sent me a text saying that the final tomorrow isn't totally cumulative; just cumulative over the big things. UHHG YES. First one of four that HASN'T required me to know everything ever.
Today, for the first time in a couple weeks, I went out and did a fun, dirty activity. It has been SO SO long. In the last 2 weeks I have had 8 tests. 8 TESTS. This is ridiculous. I made a new life jar. The first moss jar I made had kind of faded, so I dumped it and started a new one. This time, instead of moss I used sorrels, wild ginger, and a teeeeeeny partridge berry vine. I found some monstrous snails, slugs, and millipods while I was out, so I tossed those in there as well. Unfortunately, I did this all in the rain, in my pajama pants, and with my 8" hunting knife. Pretty much the entire C Complex for some reason decided to come outside while I was digging through the clay with the knife. Classy.
The vet clinic never called me back today about working there, so I'm going to assume right now that work won't start on Wednesday and I can spend tomorrow celebrating the end of the semester instead of traveling home! Plans:
-eat weird rice flour biscuit sammiches while playing Pokemon Rumble with Chris
-adventure in the outdoors
-go see a movie maybe
-play MtG
Now to just get through tomorrow. My brain is so so spent. I was up at 5 this morning studying for my wildlife habitat management final...so tired.