Instagram weekend

Mar 21, 2012 04:01



Act of Valor with the boys; is it really so hard to believe that I chose that over This Means War..? :/


The Garden Slug for Ben Chow's 23rd + Udders after; and that's Eugene's version of "Britney" Boy sure likes a challenge.



Got some books after yoga - which was... hell after 2 hours of sleep, esp when your body's this outta shape; took a sore beating after another 2 hours of stretching, and exotic pose-names I never got the hang of. Warrior pose? Picked up a few Marvel comics for Eugene too - and dog books! Too bad they didn't have anything specially for Malamutes.



Wasn't as prepared for the paper as I'd like to be, and blanked out midway through so... right now i'm just keeping my fingers crossed and my email alerts switched on (for the results). Wild Oats w the comms girls after and it was pretty amusing how the girls reacted after half a dozen shots each. The boys came down to find us, and got respective nicknames through the night (England, International Porter, Pretzel? lol) and I found a fellow KC girl! Plus, she stays in Katong. And her mannerisms remind me a lot of Jiamin.. Maybeeee the less intimidating version. Weekend was kick-ass but no (public) photos for that. Butter w the girls tmr............. well... I don't know. The reluctance is well-placed though; I've honestly toned down quite a bit. Homebody w a good book > party animal? Hmm. I think it's a phase thing.

AND HOW FRIGGIN SCARY WAS THE SEASON FINALE OF THE WALKING DEAD. Good god no spoilers (ever) but we were screaming half the time through the marathon, and the other half we spent trying not to chomp off our fingers which we've developed the bad habit of putting in our mouths. Between that and the zombie books i've been on... I'm hoping the overactive imagination doesn't pick up on anything tonight.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

pres, 23rd, birthday, party, sma, comms, movie, instagram, pm crew, zak, zeus, via ljapp, 247

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