Dec 12, 2011 00:39

Sweet mother of green winged angels holy fuck and what the hell. My netbook crashed. Will not boot, will not start, NOTHING. I think the issue was a catastrophic failure to download Windows updates properly - that is, it tried, it sucked up EVERY bit of memory, it locked, and it went down like it had been hit by Baron von Richthofen himself. I can get into the DOS setup menu, but that's it. Can't get into the recovery menu or anything USEFUL. *FUMES*

My mother's computer had the same issue a couple of months ago, and a fellow at her church can fix it, if it's a corrupted BIOS problem as I suspect it may be.

This is not the primary issue at hand. No, there are two issues beyond that.

1. Any WIPs I have on that netbook are now frozen in time or potentially lost if I have to wipe the drive. I think the vast majority of them are saved elsewhere (Note to self, find USB drives), but the 50K of Nanowrimo is at risk. Fortunately, I have no fest fics in active process that aren't still on the "hand-scribbled notes" stage other than the fic for Auror Fest, which THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE OF TINY FISHIES I had already sent to a friend for looking over, so there was a clean copy in my Gmail.

2. Porn. I have no videos, thank fuck, but I do have plenty of fanart. Whatever deities watch over fangirls, I pray thee, don't let this guy have to go into my document folders to fix this thing. Good thing my wallpaper is set to a worksafe image currently and I don't keep icons or files on the desktop itself. >.>

SO ANYHOW. I'm on my desktop computer for the unforeseeable future (and good gravy, I forgot that this monitor is HUGE, oh my god, the resolution WHAT IS ALL THIS SPACE?!). Not a particularly happy camper. Fingers crossed that I'll have the netbook back by the end of the week, but DUDE, I am unpleased.

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life: shared pain, rage: i swear a lot, personal: note to self

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