A tale of two terrors

Mar 10, 2019 13:35

Yesterday morning there was a big spider perched on the top part of my towel. I might have made a high squeaky sound of pure terror. ;) Even as an adult, my mother has to come and save me from the scary spiders.

It looks like I'm stuck at my parents' until Tuesday this time. An invoice payment we've been waiting for and been promised would come in early still hasn't shown up on the business account, and so we've had to send a reminder and keep fingers crossed that they're paying Monday at the latest. Or Tuesday. *sigh* If they do, I can pay the company's bills from last month... If they don't pay, we're getting very, very close to being screwed. But I try to keep a glimmer of hope alive.

I've remembered that I have some oooold Star Wars concept art packs by Ralph McQuarrie in the basement. Why I bought them in the first place, I don't know, since I'm not a great fan of Star Wars. But, I've seen they sell for around $50-60 on Ebay... I'm thinking about trying to sell them, because they're not making me happy in the basement, and I've never put them on my walls. I don't think I've even taken them out of the cover except once, to look at them. It would be nice if they can help me pay a bill or two! :)

This entry was originally posted at https://ldybastet.dreamwidth.org/676054.html.
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