- new journal -
i felt like making a wallpaper for my journal, but it didn't fit here. i used a picture i took of my scriptures and manuals i use during my personal study time. aaaaand, i've been wanting to create a journal for my spiritual growth, thoughts, ramblings, studies, testimony, etc. i'll still be writing in this one, of course! [though i realize i've been a loser in the lj-updating department]
if you'd like to add my other journal that i'll be sharing in, feel free! i'll be writing daily thoughts, what i learn in my scripture study, mission preparation, thoughts on beliefs, my preach my gospel manual, my online byu mission prep courses, things i learn, prayers, etc. i will probably use it when i go on my mission as well to have people post my letters home and such.
i'd love to have anyone add it. whether you're lds, non-religious, curious, or just plain like me ;)
- feel free -