Aug 23, 2006 10:22
Integrity is honesty,
And loyalty to God,
With strong and firm commitment
To grasp the Iron Rod.
It's standing firm and stalwart,
Adhering to the truth,
Against the goes of heaven,
While you are in your youth.
It's having a commitment
To live the gospel plan,
while keeping 'self" unsullied,
Unmarried by mortal man.
It's keeping your own passions
From getting out of hand,
And showing by your actions,
That YOU are in command.
It's being incorruptible
By Satan's worldly ways,
Or mankind's carnal nature,
Through all your living days.
It's proving you are able
To stand the test of time,
Unyielding and unwavering,
With every step you climb.
Integrity's important
To all who here would be
sons and daughters unto God
For all eternity.
So let us be committed
To our integrity,
That it will last throughout all time,
And through eternity.
--Heart thoughts by Jim Lee