Controversy in Lodi

Aug 06, 2009 15:13

Have we gotten this bad?

Lodi isn't too far from here and this has been the national news.  These fringe secular groups like the Freedom from Religion Foundation scare me.  There is a very good reason why we are counseled to pray every day, personally and with our families, and to read our scriptures privately and with our families every day and have FHE each week.  It keeps us focused and in tune with the Spirit and reminds us of why we are here and what we are supposed to be doing.  When things like this happen all over the country, it just strips away one more connection the country has to the Savior and our Founding Fathers.  It's little by little, piece by piece and has been happening for a long time.  Eventually, we'll have  a faceless autocracy with no religious values or morals at all because it's not logical to believe in a higher power.
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