snagged from
hamarakissa A
Whats your AGE?: 26
Whats your favorite ANIMAL?: dogs
Do you like APPLES?: they're all right.
What time do you go to BED?: between 8 and 10 usually
Do you have a BOYFRIEND?: no, a husband
Do you like the color BLUE?: Sure
Have you ever had BRACES?: nope
When’s the last time you ate BACON?: couple weeks ago. but we're having some for breakfast today
What kind of CAR do you drive?: Dodge Stratus
Who’s the last person to CALL you?: Aaron
Do you like to go CAMPING?: Yes! I haven't been camping in so long!
Can you do a CARTWHEEL?: Gosh no... never learned
What’s the last thing you had to DRINK?: some V8 splash
What DAY is it?: Sunday
Do you DYE your hair?: once in a while.
What did you last EAT?: a Thin Mint last night
How do you like your EGGS?: Over easy or hard-boiled
Are you currently EMPLOYED?: Yes!
What color are your EYES?: greenish-blue
Do you have a FACEBOOK?: Yes.
Who is your best FRIEND?: there's a couple
Do you watch FAMILY GUY?: yes
Where are you FROM?: Connecticut
What’s your FAVORITE FOOD?: chicken, peaches, strawberries, 90% of all fruit :)
Are you a GIRL or GUY?: Girl.
What's something you think is really GROSS?: vomit... sry, a kid almost threw up in my class Friday.
Have you ever held a GUN?: nope
What's your GRANDMA’S name?: Patricia and Jeannette
Do you like HORROR movies?: eh, not really
Have you ever ridden a HORSE?: yeah, it wasn't a pleasant experience
Have you ever been to HAWAII?: nope
What color is your HAIR?: Brown
Whats the best flavor of ICE CREAM?: ooo umm, mint chocolate chip
Have you seen the movie IT?: yes and it made me afraid of clowns
When’s the last time you felt ILL?: couple weeks ago
Have you ever been to IOWA?: Nope, but it's on my list
Have you ever JUMPED on a trampoline?: Yes
Do you know a person named JOHN?: Yeah, dad and brother
Whats your favorite flavor of JELLY?: grape
Have you ever seen a KANGAROO?: yeah
Who was the last person you KISSED?: Aaron
Do you know anyone named KIM?: yes
Who is the KINDEST person you know?: hmm, I'm sure there's someone, but i can't think of them atm
Are you in LOVE?: yes
Have you ever been LOST?: haha yeah
When’s the last time you shaved your LEGS?: Yesterday
Whats your MOM’S name?: Sandra
How often do you wear MAKEUP?: most days, except Sundays
Is your room MESSY?: no, but my spare room is
How much MONEY do you have on you?: $60? but 40 of that is b-day money for clothes and stuff
Do you own any NIKE shoes?: Nope
What color are your NAILS?: pink
Is your NOSE pierced?: nope, ew
Is OCTOBER your favorite month?: no
Have you ever seen an OCTOPUS?: in Ripley's aquarium
Can you PLAY any instruments?: Several
What kind of PIE is your favorite?: chocolate pudding
Do you have any PIERCINGS?: yeah, 2 in each ear
Do you like PEACHES?: yes
How many PILLOWS do you sleep with?: 3
Do you like the color PURPLE?: yep
Are you getting tired of QUESTIONS?: nope
Can you name a famous QUEEN?: Queen Elizabeth
Is it QUIET where you are?: yeah, except for the tv
Do you write with your RIGHT hand?: Yes.
Is it RAINING?: not atm, but it was earlier
Have you ever seen the RUGRATS?: Yes! watched them yesterday :)
What’s the last thing you READ?: Bite Club by Rachel Caine
Are you wearing SOCKS?: nope
What color SHIRT are you wearing?: white
What did you last cut with SCISSORS?: the pill case for Midol
What’s your favorite SMELL?: lilacs
What’s your favorite part about SUMMER?: not having to work :D
Does it SNOW where you live?: yeah, but not enough
What STATE do you live in?: Virginia
Are you SHORT?: nope, average, 5'5"
Do you have a TRAMPOLINE?: Nope
What TIME is it?: 7:50am
Do you have any TALENTS?: violin, teaching. I consider teaching a talent. I know some people that should never, ever do it; )
What’s on your TABLE in the room you’re in?: coffeetable: computer, magazines, remotes, glass
What does your UMBRELLA look like?: white and green striped w/ a green cartoon gator
What color UNDERWEAR are you wearing?: pink and gray
Have you ever ridden on a UNICYCLE?: Never
Can you play the VIOLIN?: yes!
WHO was last at your house besides the ones you live with?: Aaron
WHAT room are you in?: living room
WHERE did you last go to besides your house?: we went to dinner last night
Ever played the XYLOPHONE?: yep, every day
Have you ever had any X-RAYS?: yep
What’s the nearest YELLOW object in the room you’re in?: the dog's toy
What YEAR is it?: 2011
Who did you last YELL at?: umm, probably myself
When’s the last time you went to the ZOO?: o gosh, a long while ago
Do you have any ZITS?: ugh yes! I'm breaking out more now than I did in hs
Do you like ZEBRAS?: they're all right
Do you know what ZINC looks like?: nope
Can you count backwards from 100 to ZERO?: yeah
Are your pants ZIPPED?: no zipper, pj pants
well that was fun. I'll post a real update later about field day and other stuff. I've got to go to the grocery store now... we have no food