Oh man. I just got a rejection letter from a Young Adult agent (who networking made me foolish enough to proposition, despite the genre disparities). I was reading along and it was like blablabla, not accepting new manuscripts at this time...blablabla, critique...blabla bla, basically the prologue is dense and unsellable and in parts (GET THIS) "
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And yeah. Rejection letters. I'm still coming into the game, so I've only got 10+ so far. But I've just sent out a bunch of short stories, so I expect that number to double in this month alone. Just got two shorts out in a tiny anthology, though. Whoo~ 300+ circulation. XD Baby publication is baby. But you know, anything's a start.
But yeah. If you'd be up for book chats, etc. I'd be all about that. My e-mail's crzyLCM@msn.com
I send mine to a scientist friend who rips it apart like it's a faulty theory, but I'm lucky. Why don't they understand that I WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S BAD ABOUT IT!!! Tell me. F'realz.
And the end! It's enough to make you rewrite the whole thing, only to come to the same conclusion as you finish!
I'd love to read anything you have and provide support/crit/bitchslaps.
Get me at yakbites@gmail.com. I'd love to talk anytime.
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